In our space…

Language is important. Use your words and other expressions intentionally to best express what you mean. 

Advocate for yourself and others. Assume responsibility for communicating your needs and boundaries. Listen when someone expresses theirs. 

Education and resources are for everyone. The Denver Zine Library advocates for access to information freely. We provide access to zines from all over the world. Care for them so the next person can learn from them just like you. 

Respect pronouns. Never assume, always ask. 

No actions, words, or expressions rooted in hatred or bigotry are tolerated. This includes: ableism, ageism, anti-semitism, biphobia, classism,  colorism, fatphobia, heteronormativity, homophobia, Islamophobia, racism, sexism, tokenism, xenophobia, and/or any forms of discrimination.