Here’s the incredible crew of zine librarians!
(and many thanks to the fabulous DZL alumni that have contributed tons over the years)
Hana Zittel
Connection to the DZL: I love the inclusivity and creativity that zines inspire and I adore spending time exploring all the zines in our collection. Every time I take the time to explore what we have to offer I find something absolutely fascinating. I could (and often do) spend hours just reading through any zine I pick up in the library.
Bio: I am a librarian at the Denver Public Library in addition to being a librarian at the Denver Zine Librarian, which are two great things to be. I grew up in Steamboat Springs, Colorado and pretty much just like being outside with my pup when I have some free time, and reading, that might have been assumed though.
Jeff Washenberger
Zines: The Adventure of Catherine Coffeetree, Dreamworld, Oh Jeff, A Quiet Little Day, Hazel, & Herb Wizards. I draw comics with cute characters about nature, humor and life. A mix of fantasy and auto-bio, I like to make art that makes me happy and do my best to use it to help make the world a better place.
Connection to the DZL: I’ve been making comics on folded pieces of printer paper for as long as I can remember. Anyone can make a zine, anyone can share their story. The Denver Zine Library is a very inspiring place for me, surrounded by thousands of stories folded into pieces of paper, nestled in the heart of the city. Plus all of the people there are really wonderful.
Bio: I love coffee, flowers, video game music, and all things dog related. I have two cats too many plants, pizza is magical and I probably look at the clouds too much. I like potatoes, autumn, and picture books. I believe Black Lives matter, Me Too is real, equal rights for LGBTQ, and we are all just people. I get anxious and sad a lot but there are a lot of beautiful things in the world and that makes it pretty nice.
Kelly Shortandqueer
Zine: shortandqueer, a zine series where each issue focuses on a different theme through the lens of my queer and transgender identities.
Connection to the DZL: I’m one of the co-founders of the Denver Zine Library and can’t believe that I’ve been volunteering with the DZL for over a third of my life! Through my involvement, I’ve met incredible zinesters, artists, and musicians who consistently create and inspire. On a personal level, the zine community has been a forum to document and share the voices of so many of us who don’t find ourselves reflected in mainstream media.
Bio: After publishing a few random zines, I began writing shortandqueer in 2004. My storytelling has been featured on The Narrators stage as well as through a collaboration between the Narrators and DCPA’s Off-Center at the Jones Theater, in a show titled “Lived/Re-Lived.” Besides writing and storytelling, I’m also a drag artist, performing under the name Olive de Bottom. Since being crowned Honky Tonk Queen of the International Association of Gay Square Dance Clubs in 2014, I’ve performed at several local and national venues and am always looking for new excuses to make appearances.
Sarah Stevens
Connection to the DZL: Getting to work with awesome artists and librarians alike to provide access to zines!
Bio: I’m currently a librarian at Douglas County Libraries in Parker, Colorado. Outside of that, I read, write, and play my ukulele as much as possible.
Vera Benschop
Zines: LATELY – recurring. Other zines periodically.
Bio: Photographer / publisher/ book artist.