Natalie, Steve, Alex, Edd, Tom and Isy in the Denver Zine Library

(post by Kelly Shortandqueer)

Last night, the Zines on Toast tour make us laugh, made us think and, most of all, kept us entertained with tales of the London Zine Symposium, creating a UK social centre, failing to punch Tony Blair, bike punks, greyhound rides and more!
On tour for a month, we heard from Alex Wrekk (Brainscan and Stolen Sharpie Revolution), Isy Morgenmuffel (Morgenmuffel, Last Hours), Edd Baldry (Hey Monkey Riot), Steve Larder (Rum Lad), Tom Fiction (Last Hours), and Natalie Last Hours (London Zine Symposium).
Alex Wrekk

Zines on toast is a month long tour with zinesters from the UK (Rumlad, Last Hours, Hey Monkey Riot and Morgenmuffel) travelling with Portland’s Alex Wrekk (Brainscan and Stolen Sharpie Revolution). Join us for tales of the London Zine Symposium, failing to punch Tony Blair, ideas for radical health, creating a UK social centre, bike punks, regional dialects and much more!

Edd Baldry
Check out the promo article in the Westword, “The Denver Zine Library brings an international tour into its new space“.
Isy Morgenmuffel

I was excited to get a chance to hang out with the travelers since they had some extra down time in Denver. We started with a delicious dinner at Mary’s house on Monday night. There was lots of rambunctious story telling and arguments about pronunciation or words.

Natalie Last Hours
Tuesday, I met up with Alex and Steve for hanging out in Cheeseman Park and then I took them to the awesome bathroom sink exhibit in the old art museum building (Denver folks, if you haven’t been, go wash your hands at the art museum…). We met up with the rest of the crew and walked from the library down to Sweet Action for some delicious vegan ice cream and stopped in Smitten Kitten to say hello to Riley. Mary met up with us for dinner at El Taco, trying to woo them all with the deliciousness of green chili.
Steve Larder

The show was fantastic and it was exciting to see so many new faces in the Denver Zine Library. And, of course, a pleasure to see John Porcellino, who is only in town for a week before heading back to Florida. Don’t miss his big Welcome Home / Going Away / King-Cat 71 Release / Happy Birthday John P. party at Kilgore Books (624 E. 13th Avenue, Denver). It’s this Saturday, 9/18 from 6-8pm!

Tom Fiction

After the show, we ended up back at Mary’s for a speakeasy – sipping on incredibly delicious drinks. Most of the zinesters went to bed at a reasonable time (since they had to be on the road so early this morning) but Alex and Edd stayed up with me until about 1am, talking about our families, relationships, traveling, and hula hoops (because, yes, I know hula hoops).

Chatting it up after the show

Zines on Toast, you’re amazing.

Interviewing some of the zinesters