It’s only two days away and we’re ready!

Today, B, Brian and Kelly worked for hours to get the Denver Zine Library in tip-top shape and the DZL looks better than it ever has! We emptied the rest of the boxes, made lots of signs (for the awesome merch that’s for sale, for the lending policy, for the zine categories, etc), rearranged furniture, and decorated the walls. We found homes for all of the recent donations (including 5,000 straws, 2,000 sugar packets, scented candles and a second coffeepot).
Some of our favorite zines are on display…
The donations waiting to be cataloged have been pulled out of their envelopes…
The tote bags and calendars from previous years are ready to be yours…
The zines are anxious to be in your hands!
In addition to the grand re-opening, Brian and Kelly pulled zines for an upcoming zine display at Kaladi Coffee in November. We’ll be sending out more information as it gets close.
Dylan and Kelly also started brainstorming for the upcoming Denver Zine Library Silent Auction scheduled to take place on Monday, November 8. We’ll be posting more info about that as well, but in the meantime, if you or anyone you know has anything to donate to the auction (goods, gift certificates, services, etc), please contact Kelly at
Check out these sneak preview photos of the Denver Zine Library. And don’t forget to come check out the grand re-opening this Monday, September 6 from 1-5 at our new location: 2727 W 27th Ave, entrance around the right side of the building.