Dearest friends of the Denver Zine Library,As you may know, the building where the DZL is housed has been sold! We have until April 1st to move out and are hoping to make this a stress-free and entertaining process.

Please join us on February 9 and/or February 16 from 10am-6pm for a packing and inventory party. We’ll be providing breakfast and lunch, as well as amazing and fabulous company and music. Feel free to stop by for 15 minutes, stay for the whole time, or anything in between.

If you have access to boxes, please bring some with you. We’re particularly looking for medium sized boxes. Individual zines are pretty light, but have you ever tried carrying a big box of them? If you have access to boxes but can’t make it, please let us know at and we’ll coordinate to have one of our volunteers pick them up.

Costumes optional (but encouraged).