In 2003, Jamez Terry (Burn In Hell, Buddy) and Kelly Shortandqueer (shortandqueer) moved to Denver, bringing along almost 2,000 zines. They started exploring the local scene, trying to figure out if a zine library already existed, was in the works or if there was any interest. Through the Breakdown Book Collective and Community Space, a group of awesome folks who were not only interested in making this happen, but were already working on a similar project, got together. Molly Z. (Growler Distro) had been working with a zine collection at Double Entendre, an independent music store, that she had hoped to turn into a library. An initial planning meeting was called for what would become the Denver Zine Library (DZL) and about 10 people showed up. In addition to meeting every other week for a few months, work parties were organized on the alternate weeks to fix up the space, decide how to categorize zines, input zines into the computer catalog, etc. In addition to Jamez’ personal collection, Paul, the owner of Double Entendre, gave us all of the zine he had been storing. John Porcellino (King Cat Comics) and Misun Oh (Tearjerker) gave us their collections before moving to San Francisco. The collection has grown through continued donations over the years.
Archer Place
The opening event was held on December 5, 2003 in the brand new DZL, highlighting local musicians and zinesters. The collection was housed in a detached shed in Kelly and Jamez’ backyard. Over 60 people came to celebrate, huddled together for warmth, eating donated bagels and looking through the new collection. Visitors came by on weekends and the word spread beyond Denver. Travelers would request to check out the DZL when they were coming through and often donate their own zines.
On March 12, 2004, the neighborhood zoning inspector left a notice that the Denver Community Planning and Development office had received an anonymous complaint about the DZL from a neighbor. Through many phone calls, e-mails and even personal visits, it was determined that the DZL was breaking zoning laws. The first law in question was related to a right of use of the space since it was being “residentially used” and was in a “detached building”. The second law stated that any “residentially used” building must be 20 feet from the center-line of the alley. The converted garage that housed the collection was right where all the other garages were positioned in the neighborhood: 8 feet from the center-line of the alley. A cease and desist order was issued and the zine librarians appealed it. During this process, Jason Heller wrote an article for the Westword about the problems the library was having. A response he received from the department spokesperson about the situation illustrated the ridiculousness of how the case was being handled: “When you purchase a home, you make the investment thinking that you have a good idea of how the adjacent property is being utilized. You don’t expect a gunpowder factory, recycling yard or UPS terminal to be located there.” Immediate neighbors and the landlord were supportive of the library. Unfortunately, it was unlikely that the DZL would win the appeal, so zine librarians began looking for a new space.

The Other Side Arts
The DZL went into temporary storage for a short period of time before reopening at The Other Side Arts (TOSA) in the summer of 2004. Kristy Fenton was instrumental in this move and took over the main operations of the DZL. During this time, Kristy and Eduardo Gabrieloff successfully incorporated, making the DZL a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization.
Initially, the collection was set up in the community area with couches. In many ways, this location was better suited to the vision of the DZL. TOSA contains artist studios rented by incredible local artists, has two galleries, hosts art openings, etc. The DZL started receiving more foot traffic based on the sandwich sign we’d put out on the street, especially in the summer. Many folks who wandered in had never heard of zines before.
When an artist studio became available, the DZL excitedly moved in. In this space, the library continued to grow and zine librarians started doing more programming. Workshops were conducted in the DZL as well as off-site and various classes visited the collection. When another, larger studio opened up, the DZL moved down the hall.
Unfortunately, after a few years, the zine librarians realized that the amount the DZL was paying for rent was not sustainable. Events helped defray costs but it seemed like the DZL was consistently in a financial crisis. In the summer of 2009, zine librarians decided to temporarily close the DZL. Instead of rushing to move immediately into a new space, zine librarians wanted to take some time to reassess priorities and vision as well as energy levels.

27 Social Centre
In July 2010, the Denver Zine Library moved into the 27 Social Centre along with P&L Printing, Sent(a)mental Studios, Bread and Roses, the Denver Anarchist Black Cross, Denver IWW and other great organizations/projects. After several months in temporary storage, gathering energy and resources, we’re excited to re-open in this fantastic new space!
The Denver Zine Library is an all-volunteer run, 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization and lending library that houses around 10,000 different zines from around the world. Open hours are Saturdays and Sundays from 1-5pm and by appointment. Contact to make an appointment or with any questions.

On December 5th, we had our opening event, which drew over 60 people. Several zinesters read, and local musicians played, while folks piled into the smallish library space, eating donated bagels and such.
On March 12, 2004, the neighborhood zoning inspector left a notice that Denver Community Planning and Development had received an anonymous complaint about the zine library from a neighbor. Through many phone calls, e-mails and even personal visits, it was determined that the Denver Zine Library was breaking zoning laws. The first law in question was related to a right of use of the space since it was being “residentially used” and was in a “detached building”. The second law stated that any “residentially used” building must be 20 feet from the center-line of the alley. The library, which was housed in a converted garage behind Jamez and Kelly’s house, was right where all the other garages were positioned in the neighborhood: 8 feet from the center-line of the alley. A cease and desist order was issued and the zine librarians appealed it. During this process, Jason Heller wrote an article for the Westword about the problems the library was having. A response he received from department spokesman Julius Zsako about the situation illustrated the ridiculousness of how the case was being handled: “When you purchase a home, you make the investment thinking that you have a good idea of how the adjacent property is being utilized. You don’t expect a gunpowder factory, recycling yard or UPS terminal to be located there.” Immediate neighbors and the landlord were supportive of the library. Unfortunately, those involved with the library decided that it was unlikely that they would win the appeal, so they began looking for a new space for the library.