Meet the Denver Zine Librarians!

B loves sharing zine culture with everyone and especially kiddos. She has been particularly happy spreading the joy of zines to Girls Rock Camp Denver and Excelsior Youth Center in the last few years. B’s own zines and zine collaborations include: The Tear Valve, Decoupage #1, Decoupage #2: PITH, and Take Back The Streets written under her fabulous pen name Amelia Crewe. She does stick figure comics, other drawings and writes about being a survivor, mental health, dealing with grief, recovery, and other odds and ends as her life unfolds. If you want a good recommendation for a per-zine ask B for a suggestion! Her favorite kinds of zines (besides comics) are the per-zine variety, especially if they include recipes and playlists.

Brian brings his extensive zine cataloging experience to the Denver Zine Library and is a master salesman when it comes to finding new homes for our zine doubles.

Dylan began making zines long before he started calling actually them zines and makes incredible gluten-free pancakes. He’s an artist, activist, and author. Read his book, The Last Time I Wore A Dress: A Memoir (Penguin/Putnam) and some of his zines, sent(a)mental, freedom of depression, and inside out. Dylan also runs Sent(a)Mental Studios as well as projects about, by and for individuals or groups affected by suicide and a project specifically for youth.

Kelly Shortandqueer is one of the cofounders of the Denver Zine Library. He has been publishing his zine series, shortandqueer, since August 2004 and is excited about the growing presence of zines in Denver. He is especially interested in queer and trans zines, wanting to broaden conversations to validate and honor identities that are not often discussed in mainstream media. Kelly is also always trying to convince people to make zines to get their voices heard. You can find Kelly’s work at

Kevin hasn’t put out a zine yet, despite ongoing pressure from the other zine librarians, and has his very own leopard-print director’s chair for when he presides over the Denver Zine Library’s meetings. He likes cats, cookies and chocolate pudding. Please visit him at the library to discuss or gift him with any of those things.
Want to become a Denver Zine Librarian?
E-mail for more information and to set up a volunteer orientation.