The Denver Zine Library currently has a lending collection of around 20,000 zines.
Our Catalog:
We are in the process of moving to a new online catalog. Thanks for your patience as we slowly add titles to this new system. If you are looking for something specific, you can visit the DZL during our open hours or contact us via email.
We currently accept small donations of zines, but due to capacity cannot currently accept large legacy donations. We cannot accept donated magazines. If you aren’t sure about what can and can’t be donated, please reach out!
Lending Policy:
Because we only maintain one copy of each zine in our collection, we ask that people borrowing zines treat them well. You can check out up to five zines for three weeks at a time. Zines can be returned to our drop box on the door of the space (within the Denver Public Library) even when we are not open!