6/22/04 Out-Of-Town Zinesters For Your Listening Pleasure, DZL, 7pm
Making a stop between two zine fests, Billy Roberts (Loop Distro), Dave Fried (Zebra Cakes Zine) and Robb Roemershauser (Aboveground Zine Library) read from their zines in the DZL.
The DZL goes to the Allied Media Conference, 6/04
6/04 The DZL goes to the Allied Media Conference
Kelly and Jamez traveled to Bowling Green, OH to represent the DZL at AMC and collect donations
6/04 The DZL goes to the Allied Media Conference
Kelly and Jamez traveled to Bowling Green, OH to represent the DZL at AMC and collect donations
6/22/04 Out-Of-Town Zinesters For Your Listening Pleasure, DZL, 7pm
Making a stop between two zine fests, Billy Roberts (Loop Distro), Dave Fried (Zebra Cakes Zine) and Robb Roemershauser (Aboveground Zine Library) read from their zines in the DZL.
12/11/04 The DZL’s One Year Anniversary Party, DZL, 5pm-midnight
One year and still going strong!

Celebrate 4,000 Zines with the Denver Zine Library, 3/6/04
3/6/04 Celebrate 4,000 Zines with the Denver Zine Library!, DZL, 11am, 9pm
What? The Denver Zine Library has over 4,000 zines?
Yep! And we think that’s enough reason to throw an all day party! Join us on Saturday, March 6th, the three-month anniversary of the library opening.
Come by the library from 11am-7pm to read some zines, get some free food, and hear some fabulous zinesters read. Readings will take place at 3pm and 6pm. The library is located at 111 W. Archer Pl. (3 blocks south of 1st and 1 block west of Broadway).
Then, at 9pm, there will be music and dancing at Garageland (2721 Walnut St). There is a $3-$5 sliding scale cover. I know you may be thinking, “Oh darn! A cover?” But just remember that all of the proceeds are going to the zine library to make it the biggest and best it can be. There will be two local bands: The Illegal Goose Band and the Skivvies. There will also be some local DJs supplying us with a rockin’ dance party. Plus, $1 PBRs!
Woo hoo!
2006 Silent Auction and 2007 Calendar Release
Watercourse Foods
206 E. 13th Ave
The Denver Zine Library has just published the 2007 Denver Zine Calendar, which features 16 local zine writers’ illustrations and artwork. We will release the calendar and hold a silent auction to raise money for our all-volunteer library.
Please come and support the Denver Zine Library and get your very own copy of this amazing calendar for just $10! Also, check out our awesome silent auction of art, services and gift certificates!
The artists: Molly Zackary, Celso, Anna, Kevin, Kelly Shortandqueer, Kristy Fenton, Jason Heller, Misun Oh, John Porcellino, Amelia Crewe, Brian Leech, Oren Kyle Cantrell, Dylan Scholinski, Andie Lyons, Shannon Perez-Darby, Jaks, Eleanor and Patty
2006 Denver Zine Fest
The first-ever Denver Zine Fest was a huge success! Organized primarily by Stevyn and Kelly of IronFeather Books and supported by the zine librarians. Hosted at Matter Studio, there were lots of local zinesters and comic arts selling their publications and various workshops throughout the day. Many thanks to Hung for taking most of the photos below.
2132 Market Street
Denver, CO
A zine is a self-published small press publication about a social, political, personal, or artistic subject. If you are interested in learning how to make your own zine, or want to trade or sell yours – please come!
This is a FREE event to vendors and attendees.
FREE Workshops on Screenprinting, Videography, Book Binding and Letterpress!

Grand Opening and Upcoming Events!
Yes, the rumors are true… The Denver Zine Library is re-opening! We’re now located in the 27 Social Centre at 2727 W. 27th Ave, Denver. After our grand re-opening on September 6 (see below), we’ll be open on Sundays from 1-5pm and by appointment. For more information, e-mail denverzinelibrary@gmail.com
Thursday, August 26, Bikestravaganza: Off the Chainring
Please join us for this traveling road show of bicycle talk, movies, zines, and transportation activism. Elly Blue and Joe Biel will present short videos and a slideshow about Portland’s bike culture, followed by a discussion of alternative transportation in Denver and the future of transportation infrastructure and advocacy in Colorado and beyond. Dave Roche will read from existing and upcoming works, including his hit classic …On Subbing. Everyone is welcome to attend and participate in the conversation. Microcosm Publishing will have a table of books, zines, and movies.
7-9pm, $3-10 sliding scale at the door.
Details at http://bikestravaganza.wordpress.com/
Monday, September 6, GRAND RE-OPENING
The Denver Zine Library is sharing space with some rad projects, including P&L Printing, Sent(a)mental Studios, Bread & Roses and more! Come check out the grand opening of each of these in our new location in the 27 Social Centre. The DZL won’t officially have open hours before the date, but may be available by appointment by e-mailing denverzinelibrary@gmail.com
Time TBA – we’ll be sending out more information soon.
Tuesday, September 14, Zines on Toast Tour
Zines on toast is a month long tour with zinesters from the UK (Rumlad, Last Hours, Hey Monkey Riot and Morgenmuffel) travelling with Portland’s Alex Wrekk (Brainscan and Stolen Sharpie Revolution). Join us for tales of the London Zine Symposium, failing to punch Tony Blair, ideas for radical health, creating a UK social centre, bike punks, regional dialects and much more!
Time TBA – we’ll be sending out more information soon.
Details at http://zinesontoast.org/
We’re looking for volunteers for the zine library. We have several opportunities, so please contact Kelly at denverzinelibrary@gmail.com to find out more!
• Get e-mail updates. To join the list, send a blank e-mail to denverzinelibrary-subscribe@yahoogroups.com
• On Facebook – Join our group: http://www.facebook.com/notes.php?discarded&id=531529487#!/group.php?gid=57922627417&ref=ts
• On MySpace – Be our friend: www.myspace.com/zinelibrary