We’re excited to share awesome news about our recent fundraising campaign and some upcoming events!
* Online fundraiser was a HUGE success!
* Friday, April 13 – Seasonal Velocities: reading with Ryka Aoki
* Saturday, April 21 – Take Flight: reading with Marya Errin Jones
* Looking for volunteers!
* Visit during open hours!
********** Online fundraiser was a HUGE success! **********
The Denver Zine Library had a 30-day online fundraiser and we’re proud to announce that we made $3,592 – over $1,000 more than our goal of $2,500. We have so much appreciation and gratitude for all of the love and support we received last month. There was a new video posted every day of the campaign and you can still watch them all at http://www.indiegogo.com/Keeping-zines-in-our-hands
If you’d still like to make a donation, the fundraising page is no longer active, but you can either mail a check made out to the Denver Zine Library to PO Box 13826, Denver CO 80201 or send us money via PayPal at denverzinelibrary@gmail.com.
Many thanks to our generous donors:
Kelly, Kyle, Delaine, Nicole, Kelly, Alycia, Carrie, Tran, Mitra, Tomas, Sean, Angela, Lisa, Remy, Jeff, LB, Spencer, Nia, Kelsey, Linda, Kelsey, Shannon, Robin, Julia, Brian, Jill, Marya, Jenna, Bianca, Erica, Leon, Laura, Sarah, Elizabeth, Mandrake, Abel, Steve, New Lights Press, Hillary, Jessicah, Josh, Tonya, Judy, Jessy, Sarah, George, Jim, Alexandra, Kyler, Megan, Sarah, Steph, Rachael, Sherry, Morgan, Hayley, Gabi, Eduardo, Alana, Dylan, Michelle, Daryll, Jamie, Carrie, Marianne, Hung, Becka, Billy, Christi, EJ, QZAP, Barry, Robin, Todd, Radym, Erin, Tanya, Lani, Jamez, Teddy, Karen, Jenna, Lydia, Matt, Anna, LP, Andie, Nico, Loran, Katie, Hannah, Alicia, Josh, Cristina, Gus, Robert and our fabulous anonymous donors
Many thanks to the folks who made the incredible videos:
Kelly Shortandqueer, Tomas Moniz, Annah Anti-Palindrome, Anna Inazu, Jenna Freedman, Kristy Fenton, Spencer Keralis, Billy the Bunny, Marya Errin Jones, Steve Lawson, Jessy Randall, Chris Wilde, the QZAP Chief Donation Monster, John Porcellino, Adhamh Roland, Josh Burford, Kyle Harris, Angela Daniels, Jordan Garcia, Robert McGoey, Nicole Hurt, and Hillary Jorgensen
***** Friday, April 13 – Seasonal Velocities: reading with Ryka Aoki *****

Friday, April 13, 2012
At the Denver Zine Library, 2727 W 27th Ave (entrance around right side of building, through alley)
You won’t want to miss this incredible reading by the amazing Ryka Aoki!
“In the hands of Ryka Aoki, words can be everything – a tool, a fire, a gift, a weapon, a meal, a barricade, a refuge. I was tempted to ration this book, so I’d have some when I needed it, but found myself gulping it down and was so nourished by it the whole way along.”
–S. Bear Bergman, The Nearest Exit May be Behind You, and Gender Outlaws: The Next Generation.
Seasonal Velocities invites the reader on a fragile and furious journey along the highways and skyways of discovery, retribution, and resolve. Through her poetry, essays, stories, and performances, award-winning writer Ryka Aoki has consistently challenged, informed, and enthralled queer audiences across the United States.
For more information or to pre-order your copy, check out http://trans-genre.net/content/seasonal-velocities/
***** Saturday, April 21 – Take Flight: reading with Marya Errin Jones *****

Saturday, April 21, 2012
At the Denver Zine Library, 2727 W 27th Ave (entrance around right side of building, through alley)
Albuquerque zinester and performance artist, Marya Errin Jones, is returning to Denver to wow us with her awesomeness.
Along with her, we’ll have several local readers, wowing the audience with some Denver-based brilliance.
See you there!
********** Looking for volunteers **********
Do you have a few hours to spare once a month? The Denver Zine Library is looking for volunteers! Help keep the DZL open on weekends, learn how to catalog donated zines in our database, plan a fundraiser, or bring your ideas! E-mail denverzinelibrary@gmail.com to set up a 30-minute orientation.
********** Visit during open hours! **********
The Denver Zine Library is open on Saturdays and Sundays from 11am-3pm and is located inside the 27 Social Centre (2727 W 27th Ave – entrance around right side of building). Come check us out, read some zines on our comfy couch and borrow some zines to read at home!