Many thanks to our friends at From the Hip Photo for these incredible pictures!
2017 Denver Zine Fest
logo by John Porcellino
Check out these photos from the 2017 Denver Zine Fest!
Friday, June 16
Ratio Beerworks
2920 Larimer Street, Denver
Free to Attend
Zine Fest is almost here! We’re super excited to be partnering with our friends at Ratio Beerworks to host a special party celebrating the zine culture of Denver while kicking off the festivities for Denver’s annual Zine Fest. There will be a special edition of Doodle Fights!, zines to read, prizes to win, and the best beer in town. Special prizes donated by our friends at Illegal Pete’s and more.
Explosive things can happen when Denver’s talented cartoonists’ community gets together to jam, and now, you can take a ringside seat and get a taste of the zany action
at Doodle Fights! A friendly elimination competition and comics reading showcasing a crew of local artists, the event will be hosted by Damian Alexander Bur-ford. And if you go, you’ll be more than an innocent bystander: “Doodle fighters” will take subject cues from audience members and work madly behind the scenes while their cohorts read comic excerpts on stage, and winners will be determined by a vote from the crowd. Imagine a mash-up of poetry readings and WWE for the nerdset. There’s a high possibility of inadvertent adult material!
Saturday, June 17
Cervantes’ Masterpiece & The Other Side
2635 Welton St, Denver
Free to attend
We have really incredible zinesters and artists who will be joining us this year. Check out the growing list of confirmed exhibitors!
See our fantastic workshop schedule below. Workshops will run from 12-4pm.
We need your help to make this event a success! If you’re interested in volunteering, please fill out this quick form. We’ll also have a volunteer orientation on Tuesday, June 13 from 6:30-7:30pm at Europa Coffeehouse (76 S. Pennsylvania Street).
Help us spread the word
You won’t want to miss the exciting updates! Be sure to check out our website, RSVP and share our Facebook event, and follow us on Twitter.
11am – 12pm
Custom-made t-shirts will be available to commemorate the Denver Zine Fest. Then you can wear your zine pride year-round! It’s only $5 if you bring your own shirt (between 11am-12pm) for screenprinting, and $10 if you want to buy one of ours (available throughout the show). Sizes and colors will be limited.
Zine Making 101
Facilitated Kaitlyn Lafferty, Denver Zine Librarian
Are you excited about the zine fest but aren’t quite sure what zines are? Are you a zine enthusiast and want to give your friends a crash course in why they’re so amazing? This workshop will share examples of zines to demonstrate the wide variety of formatting, binding, sizes, and subject matter. Participants will learn how to make a 8-page mini-zine to take home!
Our Stories: Representation Celebrating Intersectionality
Facilitated by Olivia Hunte, co-publisher of Intersections Zines
This workshop is designed to examine the ways in which various forms of artistic expressions, especially zine making, have been used to create the necessary space to explore the multidimensionality that exists within all of us and the identities we hold. In addition, we will discuss how art is used by members of the QTPoC community to counter the single story narratives. Specifically, we will highlight examples from our zine, Intersections, to demonstrate how some QTPoC use narratives as radical acts of resistance to promote healing. Using the “Where I’m From” poem format, the audience will have the opportunity to create a story, potentially in a form of a mini zine, that depicts them and their identities. The goal of the workshop is to show the importance of having identity affirming spaces that embraces intersectionality and representation.
Podcasting – Zines on Tape
Facilitated by Bruce Otter, producer of Print, Fold, Staple
A workshop designed to explore how and why to start a podcast. How podcasting and RSS have democratized the distribution of DIY audio programming, similar to the way that zines democratized print distribution. Bruce has been involved with several podcast projects since 2013 producing a hundreds of hours of content. Topics discussed will include:
- Should I even start a podcast?
- Choosing a podcast topic or theme?
- How long should each show be?
- How often should I release episodes?
- Do I need a co-host or guests?
- What tools are required to get up and running?
Self-Care for Tough Times
Facilitated by Emilie Luckett, co-owner of Far Out Zine Distr. & local fiber artist
To better help individuals manage the stresses and problems that come up in our worlds, Emilie will be going over the five dimensions of Self-Care and teaching how to incorporate them into our everyday lives. She will also be going over how to create a ‘grounding box’ and how to bring ourselves back to Earth after especially hard days.
Saturday, June 17
Pon Pon
2528 Walnut St, Denver, CO 80205
21+, free to attend
Don’t want the excitement to end? Our friends at Pollux Zine are throwing an after party at Pon Pon bar with more zines, art, clothes and more! Come hang out, continue those conversations and relax with us! RSVP to the Facebook event to stay in the loop
$2 for a bowl of cereal and $1 for a cup of coffee. Vegan milk and gluten-free cereals will be available.
Local zinesters will be selling their zines, so be sure to bring some cash to pick up some awesome reading.
If you bring an unopened box/bag of cereal, you can eat and drink for free!
Zinesters, are you interested in selling your zines at this event? Tables are $7 each and available on a first-come, first-served basis. Contact us at ASAP. Space is limited!
Confirmed exhibitors include: Cosmic BE-ING, is Press, Jeremy Stoll, Perpetual Ambivalence, Pollux, Shortandqueer, Way Out Magazine
Stay up to date on our Facebook event.

Tuesday, April 11
Buntport Theater
717 Lipan St, Denver
$5-10 suggested donation
Stay up to date on our Facebook event.
Thursday, May 18
Doors at 6:30pm, show at 7pm
Mercury Cafe
2199 California St, Denver
$5-10 suggested donation
Calling all Colorado musicians! Mercury Cafe is hosting a show highlighting first time musical performances to benefit the upcoming Denver Zine Fest.
Never played in front of a crowd? Already in a band but want to play something new with some rad new friends? Now’s your chance! Sign up quick because we’re taking bands on a first come first serve basis. Get in touch With Melissa Black at by May 8th to grab your spot and then come out on May 18th to dance your butts off and support your friends.
We did one of these last year and it was a blast. Don’t be a ding dong and miss out.
Photos from the 2017 Denver Zine Fest
Check out these incredible photos of the 2017 Denver Zine Fest, courtesy of From the Hip Photo!
If you reuse any images, please be sure to give them photo credit. For high-res versions of any of these photos, contact
2017 Denver Zine Fest Exhibitors
2017 Exhibitors
Denver Zine Library
Denver, CO
The Denver Zine Library is a non profit organization founded in 2003 whose mission is to preserve, protect and promote the culture of zines and self published original work through archival collection, workshops, and events. The Denver Zine Library currently houses a preserved collection of over 15,000 independent and alternative zines. The organization is entirely volunteer run and the public can access the full library and archives every Saturday and Sunday from 11am-3pm or by appointment.
Website | Facebook | Instagram | Tumblr | Twitter
30 Miles of Crazy!, An Introduction to Alcohol, The Denver Bootleg, Revolt to What?
Karl Christian Krumpholz – Denver, CO
different publication and even a documentary. He is currently working on two different weekly comics: The Denver Bootleg for the Westword newspaper, and the true-ish tales of the city 30 Miles of Crazy! Karl is also always looking for a better place to get a drink.
Website | Facebook | Instagram | Tumblr | Twitter
Alfombras, Chamcos, Intros, and Now Playing
Yvette Serrano – Santa Fe, NM
Yvette Serrano is an artist and designer living in Santa Fe, NM. Her zines focus on semiotics, subculture, typography and printmaking.
Ailurophile, Dungeons and Destiny, Throwback Thursdaze, and more!
Life as Sweet as Caromell – Fort Collins, CO
Misha is a local illustrator from Fort Collins under the name “Life as Sweet as Caromell” who finds inspiration in science, food, plants, and art. The style comes from anime, nostalgic 90’s, and fantasy. Hopes to convey through illustrations and zines: happiness and nostalgia.
Art and Home Life, Lining It All Up, Mugs Around Town and more!
Jake Roth – Centennial, CO
Growing up, Jake always collected all kinds of comic books, but was probably influenced by the daily comic strips in the newspaper more than any superhero titles. The various Bakerstown books are all attempts to catch those quieter moments that comics are capable of – whether remembering the past, or appreciating the present.
At Your Own Risk, Denver Deviations, and Scientific Inquiry
Cori Redford – Denver, CO
Cori Redford is a magical being made of stardust. She chooses to call Denver her home. Recent projects have included creating the Dungeons After Dark coloring book and becoming Doodle Fights Champion of the World. She is distinguished by her brightly colored plumage.
Website | Facebook | Kickstarter | Red Bubble
Betty Williams – Nobel Laureate
Adri Norris – Denver, CO
Adri is an artist who literally exudes happiness when she is doing what she loves to do most. “I paint pretty pictures,” is the way she describes it. Like many artists, she has dabbled, and excelled, in various media including jewelry, T-shirts, acrylic, and pen and ink. However, in recent years she has focused on fine-tuning her watercolor skills and creating an eclectic body of work. She often uses the medium in unexpected ways leading many viewers to exclaim, “how did you do THAT with watercolor?” Adri’s passion shines through her unmistakable smile and her ability to enliven her portraits with joy and expression makes her work perfect for any venue.
Adri was born in Barbados, moved to New York at age five, then to New Mexico at age twelve where she lived on the United World College campus. After one year of studying abroad in Italy, playing more soccer than doing homework, she joined the Marine Corps. Throughout all these adventures, she remained loyal to her sketch book, educating herself and exploring a multitude of techniques. After 5 years in the Marines she was more clear than ever that she wanted to make art her career and moved to Denver to attend the Art Institute of Colorado. After graduating in 2008 she has worked diligently to make a name for herself in the Denver-Metro art scene.
Brain Salt
Clark Ellis – Greeley, CO
Brain Salt is a variety show in your pocket:
a keen zine that is delicious, seditious,
and sometimes mean.
We sport poetry, punditry, prose, and art,
or collages and comics
to make us look smart.
Our zines have been political, acronymical,
sexual, and in space.
We can’t wait to shove
the fifth issue in your face.
Brain Salt has 3 dads:
Clark Cain,
John McName,
and Louie Lemon
The Bitchin’ Kitsch, The Drumpfster Fire Chronicles, Unexceptional Oddball
Chris & Dana Talbot-Heindl – Denver, CO
The Talbot-Heindls are into all things political, creative, and artistic. Chris and Dana’s passion possessed them to spend all of their spare time creating content to feature their own work and others’. They are the creators of the monthly compzines The Bitchin’ Kitsch (an art and lit zine published since July 2010) and Resistance is Fertile (a new political zine chronicling the resistance), as well as a variety of periodically released personal zines (The Drumpfster Fire Chronicles – a weekly zine chronicling the first 100 days of the Drumpf administration, Unexceptional Oddball – a comic zine commemorating just how unremarkable Chris is at most things, Justice Time – a comic zine about the social justice efforts and lives of The Talbot-Heindls) and a biannual chapbook competition.
Website | Bitchin’ Kitsch Facebook | Talbot-Heindl Facebook | Instagram | Twitter
Brain Teaser Comics and Grey Matter
Bruce Otter – Denver, CO
Bruce Otter is a cartoonist and podcaster who finds humor when the mundane runs headlong into the weird or vice versa. His comics are infused with monsters, mad science, and weird humor. He is the creator of Brain Teaser Comics, Blank Tape Comics and numerous zines. He also co-hosts the Print, Fold, Staple Podcast. He has a beautiful wife and daughter who tolerate his creative pursuits.
Brain Teaser Website | Blank Tape Website | Facebook | Twitter
Brown and Proud Press and SERIO Zines
Luz Magdaleno – Chicago, IL
Brown & Proud Press is a collective of people of color with the intent of sharing personal narratives of struggle through the medium of zines as a catalyst for collective healing and movement. We believe in the necessity of self-preservation and creating visibility around our struggles and histories through the medium of zines. Our main project, the “On Struggling” zine series, brings together personal narratives on topics such as identity, assimilation, racism, mental health, modes of self-care and more from people of color across the country.
“¿SERIO?” is a social justice anthology zine based out of Chicago. Co-founded by Luz Magdaleno, who identifies as a Chican@ Feminist Writer, and Alvaro Zavala, who identifies as a Chicano Queer Illustrator.
We publish literary work, including but not limited to: personal narratives, reviews, poetry, photography and illustrations submitted by a variety of social justice activists. Each printed issue focuses on different movements or themes for example: “The Haunt of Colonization Issue 6” “Mexican American Identity Issue 5” “Environmental Justice Issue 4” “Women’s History Month Issue 3” “Love and Activism Issue 2”. The authors and artists that contribute to this zine come from different racial backgrounds, sexual identities, and experiences that redefine the activist identity.
Brown Boi Winter: 2017, Indiginous Mexican Sketch Book, The Angry Xicano
Anthony Cortes – Denver, CO
My name is Anthony Cortes. I’m a Chicanx writer, illustrator and educator. My work revolves around life, drinking and social justice.
But The Eyes Are Blind One Must Look With The Heart
Terry A. Ratzlaff / Latent Editions – Denver, CO
Latent Editions: Realizing the potential of the photographic medium through monographs and collaborative visual conversations between photographers.
Captain Fantastico
Paul Niemiec – Englewood, CO
Paul Niemiec enjoys inking with a dip pen and sable brush on toothy bristol board. He likes Japanese art supplies and antique pen tips. He Inks the Underground book Captain Fantastico over the pencils of Ethan Wenberg. His influences include John Severin, Alex Nino, Virgil Finley, and Rich Corben. He also plays Swing Guitar.
Cat Fancy, Star Magazine, TV Guide, and more!
Juli Jump Rope & Grid Zine Fest, Salt Lake City, UT
Juli Jump Rope is a zine maker from Salt Lake City, Utah. She writes fanzines about her favorite water park, Raging Waters, as well as lil’ diary comics about train trips she has taken. She is timidly tiptoeing into making silly spooky comics.
Juli also helps organize Grid Zine Fest. The first GZF took place in April 2017, and we’re already planning for our second fest in April 2018. Check out Grid Zine Fest and consider tabling with us next year.
Charles Guiteau, Five Minute Zines, Phenomenal Eggship Quarterly and more!
Madi Chamberlain & Dustin Holland – Longmont, CO
Dustin and Madi live in Colorado, write poetry, collage, and draw a lot of sharks and monsters (many of which find their way into zines of varying shapes and sizes).
Instagram | More Instagram Goodness | Tumblr
Clear Tributes, Solar City Four, Planet Karl, and more!
Neil Ewing – Denver, CO
Neil Ewing is a multi media artist from South Eastern Colorado.
Neil just wants to create cool art and make people laugh.
Website | Facebook | Instagram | Twitter
Cosmic BE-ING and THEMS
Alex Graham – Denver, CO
Alex Graham is a second-incarnation cartoonist. The British author of Fred Basset, (and the artist who coined the phrase “take me to your leader,”) until his death in 1991, Alex Graham of Denver, Colorado, is now the female author of Cosmic BE-ING.
Lonnie Allen – Denver, CO
Lonnie MF Allen found his comic-art stride as a high-schooler dabbling in zines and mini-comics, eventually coming up through the ranks in the local comix scene, where he’s long been a regular among Denver’s close-knit cartooning community. An oft-published illustrator, writer and designer in addition to his niche as an award-winning cartoonist, and named one of Westword’s 100 Colorado Creatives, Allen is an organizer for the Denver Drink & Draw meet-up and Doodle Fights!- a combination competition and reading series for comic artists.
Website | Facebook | Instagram | Tumblr | Twitter
Denver Public Library
Denver, CO
The Denver Public Library connects people with information, ideas and experiences to provide enjoyment, enrich lives and strengthen our community.
Describe it in Third Person, U Spy, and more!
Brittany McDonald & Jordan Shew – Denver, CO
Brittany and Jordan are recent MSU Denver graduates who studied Printmaking and are starting to create zines, using similar approaches taken toward other mediums – by exploring themes like our deepest inner states, fallibility, and fantasy through design and small stories. We often work stylistically within the movements of internet art and minimalism.
DIRT media
Renee Marino – Boulder, CO
DIRT is an independent art + poetry publication based in Boulder. We support a multitude of artists, primarily by making their work and ideas available to the public, in print. We also host interactive community events. Our hope is to make artists more visible, and encourage collaboration across art forms.
Facebook | Instagram | Twitter
Elsa’s Desings
Elsa Adriana – Aurora, CO
My work is art of the light, they’re original and cannot be found anywhere else, only in the mind and heart of the artist… Made with lots of lights, lots of positive energy, not like industry manufacturing that’s only made to be commercialize… A form of expression where artist vents of its wishes for a better world.
Estranged, Fledgling, and Grrl Bomb
Erika Finne – Minneapolis, MN
Erika Finne lives in Minneapolis, MN. She went to the University of MN for her BFA, Saint Catherine’s University for her MAE in art education. She is always looking for the next opportunity to translate life experiences into comic art and illustration. She loves to draw her dog (Charlie), pirates and autobiographical memoirs. Her comic zines are full of characters who are more adventurous than she is in real life. Currently, she teaches art to small children.
Extra Vitamins
Julia Belamarich & Kyle Warfield – Denver, CO
Extra Vitamins is the experimental art and design studio of Julia Belamarich and Kyle Warfield. They create art zines, collages, clothing, installations, murals, and communication design for various music and art-related clients. Their work explores the inner kid, primitive expression, visual synchronicities, and the misuse of tools.
Website | Facebook | Instagram
Far Out Zines Distr.
Aurora, CO
Far Out Zines Distr., based in Denver, Colorado, is ran by Emilie Luckett and Curtis Tucker. We buy, sell, and trade zines with the goal of spreading around the amazing art, words, and other creative things people are making in the form of zines, or other fun projects. Nothing is off limits, and the more far out, the better!
Hazel, RPG Plants and Herb Wizards, and Dog
Jeff Washenberger – Denver, CO
Born and raised in the Black Hills of South Dakota, Jeff has been drawing since he could hold a pencil and has been using art to bring magic into this world ever since. Jeff moved to Colorado in 2006 in pursuit of peace and love while he continued to teach himself art. Plants, animals, and love for coffee inspire silly comics and colorful illustrations that explore a world of wonder and imagination we live in everyday.
The Hectical Inkerie and Bad Balance
Michael Herring – Boulder, CO
Michael Herring is an artist in Boulder who does dark ink drawings and colorful acrylic paintings. He created his first zine in 1997 with two high school friends in Des Moines, Iowa. Between 1997 and 2000, he created and ended The Big Hectic and co-created Bad Balance at the Kansas City Art Institute. He has recently released Issue 2 of The Hectical Inkerie, which is a 44 page zine of his ink drawings from between late 2016 and early 2017.
Olivia Hunte and T – Denver, CO
Intersections zine is designed as a space for individuals with intersecting identities to be presented in positive and supportive media that celebrates the beauty of our communities.
T (pronouns: she/her/hers) is a brown queer woman who enjoys sports, cooking, making music, dancing and art. She spends most of her free time playing with her puppy, hiking/biking/exploring outdoors, and learning to navigate life embracing all her identities.
Olivia Hunte (pronouns: she/her/hers) identifies as a passionate, queer black woman dedicated to fighting systemic oppression through social work. She also enjoys intentionally engaging with others.
Zines about Hoarding
J. James McFarland – Boulder, CO
J. James McFarland is a commercial illustrator, fine artist, and graphic designer with over a decade of experience. Goal-oriented project management is not only his methodology …
… it is his style of life.
Comics and sequential illustration are driving factors in his daily performance. Extremely marketable drawing, painting and designing skills. Ability to use creativity and the technical skills of painting and drawing to communicate ideas, sensations, facts, feelings and emotions.
He is currently located in the lush, green heights of Boulder, on the slopes of the Flatirons. There he enjoys breathing the clean air.
J. James is known to smile in the face of deadlines.
Website | More Website Goodness | Facebook | Instagram | LinkedIn | Twitter
Kit Ramsey – Denver, CO
Denver based traveling film photographer creating photo centric zines based on visual wanderings and found compositions.
Light is a Better God, Polina Starring Polina, and more!
Alex Norelli – New York, NY
Blue Pear Projects offers rare fruit in a variety of published media, celebrating unique visions arising from the fertile soil of the human imagination. Whether it’s visual art, poetry, or wearables, we foster and distribute work that asks viewers to question their assumptions about the world, transporting them to a magical and meaningful universe we dream into existence. We fiercely value social equality and are passionate about collaboration, experimentation, and the rich absurdity of the human experience.
Blue Pear is inspired by the nature of light, which equally and without judgement illuminates the world.
Website | Blue Pear Instagram | Light is a Better God Instagram
Lurkin Hard, Button Pusher, A Year of Alienation, and Black ID
Adán De La Garza – Denver, CO
Adán is a professional misnomer. Adán’s parents almost named him “Joaquin” but went with Adán because they were too concerned people would “slaughter the pronunciation.” The correct spelling of Adán De La Garza is Adán De La Garza and the correct pronunciation of Adán is here. Adán is a founding member of the Sound, Video and Performance Art collective The Flinching Eye, was a co-conspirator of the media arts exhibition series Nothing To See Here and chooses his own level of involvement at Collective Misnomer. Adán holds a BFA in Photography from the University of Arizona and an MFA in Interdisciplinary Media Arts Practices from the University of Colorado at Boulder. Originally from Tucson Arizona, Adán is currently based in Denver, Colorado and hates writing in the third person.
Adán’s Website | Cody’s Website | Shadowtrash Website | John’s Tumblr | Collective Misnomer
make. Zine
Mari & Rose Crespin – Arvada, CO
- Messy headed fine art student who identifies with the queer 90s kid aesthetic.
- Made make.zine to release some artistic tension.
- Struggles between wanting to create all the wonderful things and wanting to lay in the grass and watch the clouds forever.
Rose (they/them pronouns), local fiend and content creator, enjoys spend their time writing, making art, and wearing more glitter eyeshadow than was probably necessary for the occasion. Their work typically involves terrible happenstance, queer themes, and robots. They’re thrilled to take part in Denver Zine Fest and get out of the crypt for once.
Mindless, Peaches, Themselves, and more!
Mori Guild – Denver, CO
Mori Guild is a brother/sister collaborative working in Denver. By creating in response to the present moment, their art is a result of self-exploration through the creative process. Their works include handmade paper collage, 35mm photography, and pen and ink drawings.
Rockwell Press – Seattle, WA
You will often hear that Dada is a state of mind. You may be gay, sad, afflicted, joyous, melancholy or Dada. Without being literary, you can be romantic, you can be dreamy, weary, eccentric, a businessman, skinny, transfigured, vain, amiable or Dada… Dada is here, there and a little everywhere, such as it is, with its faults, with its personal differences and distinctions which it accepts and views with indifference. – Tristan Tzara
Kaleigh Coleman – Denver, CO
Pollux zine is a semiannual art zine that showcases up-and-coming artists across all mediums. Based in Denver, Pollux began with local artists submissions but has since grown to include national and even international talent. The third release will debut at this year’s Zine Fest.
Website | Facebook | Instagram
A Pretty Wheel, Indefinite Cavity, Donalbain II, and more!
TUBE – Denver, CO
TUBE is a collaborative video project featuring Matt Plain and Zachary Barnes-Faggs. Their process combines a circuit-bending VHS tapes with digital manipulation in post-production. These two opposing aesthetics create videos which are at once nostalgic and current. TUBE began as a live video mixing outfit providing visuals for DJ nights and local musicians. “CHANGING ROOM” is a video magazine that marks TUBE’s first foray into physical media. It marks a transition from traditional zine making into a video format. Featuring footage generated by both Matt and Zach, the artists explore the boundaries of analog media. “CHANGING ROOM” will be released on a limited run of VHS and DVD. Also available at the table will be a collection of prints by Matt entitled “Philosophy is Dumb Written in Bubble Letters” and other odds and ends.
Matt’s Instagram | Zach’s Instagram
Rainbow Feather Sketchbook
Rachel Pfeffer – Boulder, CO
Rachel Pfeffer is an artist/illustrator/designer/screenprinter from Philadelphia, currently hanging around Colorado. She started Rainbow Feather in 2014 to screen print for her friends, produce zines and art prints, and make really nice tshirts.
Raw Fury, God in a Bottle, is EMANCIPATION, and more!
is PRESS – Denver, CO
is PRESS – the press of the Institute of Sociometry – publishes short run artists books and zines documenting urban art and conceptual time-based art projects in an accessible narrative format along the loose theme of individuals and their relationship to groups. Institute of Sociometry or is practices and promotes guerrilla sociometry deploying strategies from ’Pataphysics, Fluxus, Situationism, Neoism, Immediatism, Ontological Anarchy, and Dada Epistimology. is PRESS has recently released two publications; “is EMANCIPATION” is a 130 page hand bound book with 2-color letterpress covers in an edition of 200 that is a 21 year anthology of art intervention and prank collective The Institute of Sociometry and Raw Fury #4 a luxury zine™ and urban art annual with screen printed and letterpress printed covers in an edition of 150 that covers Denver and Chicago art scenes featuring Johnny Sampson, Molly Bounds, Kashink, and Emit in addition to twelve other artists.
is PRESS Website | Sociometry Website | Instagram
Since I Last Saw You and Raz
Mark Ray – Denver, CO
Since I Last Saw You (Spring/Summer 2017) is a zine of letters and Raz (#2.5 and online Raz #3) is an erotic fiction and love prose zine.
Mark Ray is an original DZL volunteer, and is an aspiring optimist that has been self-publishing for over 15 years. This year he is publishing a personal zine, Since I Last Saw You, which chronicles several life transitions and examines adult life in Denver, CO. It is creative non-fiction in letter form, with all photography and graphics designed and instrumented solo. Very fortunate to be a part of DZF 2017!
Website | Facebook | Instagram
Recycled Paper Zines
Carissa Gonzales – Denver, CO
Recycled Paper Zines are made from abandoned materials that are transformed into art. Every paper is made using a process of blending unwanted paper with water then straining the pulp to make unique paper with different colors and textures. This allows us to manipulate a material that is often neglected creatively. Paper is generally mass produced to be uniform in size and texture, we wanted to break away from standard paper to create individual zines. Each unique zine varies in content, size and aesthetic.
Carissa’s Instagram | Wen Ben’s Instagram
Shark Boy & The Ghost Ryder Zines
Jantzen Peake – Colorado Springs, CO
Jantzen Peake was born and raised in Hermosa Beach CA. He moved to CO. Springs to be closer to family and share a portal into his creative visions with not only his family and the community but also the World Wide Web.
Jantzen Peake grew up around Graffiti Art, Street Art, surf /skateboard culture and the funky world of cartoons living so close to the city of Angels (Los Angeles). He tries to bring those experiences into his artwork through spray paint, mixed media, digital art as well as the legal ways of Zines to express his voice. He is attracted to the styles of art that push the boundaries and break the rules through stapled pierced pages a hand must reveal. His 1/2 table will be SHELLSHOCKING and just might help you escape into a world beyond this world with his NEW Shark Boy and Ghost Ryder Zines as well as his art prints!
Website | Facebook | Instagram
Shortandqueer Zine
Kelly Shortandqueer – Denver, CO
For the past decade, Kelly Shortandqueer has been publishing the zine series “shortandqueer”, each issue focusing on a different theme through the lens of being queer and transgender. His storytelling has been featured on The Narrators stage as well as through a collaboration between the Narrators and DCPA’s Off-Center at the Jones Theater, in a show titled “Lived/Re-Lived”. He is also one of the co-founders of the Denver Zine Library.
Besides writing and storytelling, Kelly is also a drag artist, performing under the name Olive de Bottom. Since being crowned Honky Tonk Queen of the International Association of Gay Square Dance Clubs in 2014, he has performed at several local and national venues and is always looking for new excuses to make appearances.
Website | Facebook | Instagram
Barbosa Girls – Denver, CO
Jazzmyn and Taylor Barbosa are twin printmakers currently living 1,208 miles apart from each other. Making zines that range in topic from relationships to self-help to their mutual love of Adam Sandler, they use humor and sadness to make you feel something. Some titles you will see this summer include, but are not limited to, “Things that Need Water, Things that Don’t”, “Temporary Furniture”, and “The Way We Were”. You’ll find them drawing and writing poems while constantly making fun of one another at literally any place you go in Denver.
Website | Instagram: Jazzmyn & Taylor | Tumblr: Jazzmyn & Taylor
Teeth Dreams Magazine
Harmony R. Sheehan & Randall Julio Chamber Vargas – Aurora, CO
Teeth Dreams Magazine is a poetry, prose and art magazine designed to be a place for the non-literati to be heard. Teeth dreams are one of the most common recurring dreams, happening universally when a person feels out of control in life. Dreams and teeth are personal and pure and need to be taken care of. They can equally serve to help nourish and illuminate us, or destroy us slowly.
We gravitate towards publishing honest, confessional work which lives to help mend our voices back together. Using the architecture of language to show us what is true. Each issue has cover art made by a different person who interprets what teeth dreams means to them. We accept submissions year-round and do not take money for submissions.
Purely non-profit, we make this magazine just to feel like we are sometimes still human and can’t explain why we can’t sometimes. Submit to:
This is Heavy Metal
Jake Fairly – Denver, CO
Jake Fairly is a Denver based artist that in every sense of the phrase, brings the thunder. He is currently unleashing the book “This Is Heavy Metal” upon this putrid plane. The book can be accurately summarized as “metal AF”. He has had work featured in a host of local publications including the mighty Westword. If you will permit me to be real for a moment I must say that Jake is one of the most talented, insightful, and beautiful artists in the city. He also has a very silly chest hair pattern, so if you see him feel free to have him show it to you.
Tinto Press
Ted Intorcio – Denver, CO
We’re Denver natives! Tinto Press is a boutique publisher of graphic novels, staple-bound comics and mini comics that focus on a variety of genres. Our goal is to publish great independent stories and art from a diverse pool of creators with the utmost attention to quality in content and design. Check out our newest publication; An Introduction to Alcohol by Karl Christian Krumpholz. 2017 DINKy Winner Best In Show.
Uncommon Futures
Denver, CO
Uncommon Futures is a publication and a website made up of real-life stories, profiles, sketches, and poems. Since a lot of people are not heard, and sometimes poetry and art say just as much as writing, we strive to give people any outlet they want. We enjoy covering the everyday, the fantastic, and the just plain interesting!
Way Out Magazine
Meredith Higgins & Austin Curry – Denver, CO
Your wild work made to be held: a thematic publication for the promotion of unsung makers.
Yes, Ma’am
Elle Minter & Suzy Gonzalez – Austin & San Antonio, TX
Born in San Marcos, TX in 2011, Yes, Ma’am is an all-inclusive feminist zine by Elle Minter and Suzy González. We’re into DIY publishing, free speech, community organizing, and lifting up women. Our compilation zines include a range of creative output including poetry, comics, rants, and recipes. Early this year, we organized the San Antonio chapter of the Nasty Women Exhibition. Our most recent zines are Issue 10: The Vegan Issue and our Microaggresion microzine. This Summer we will put out Issue 11: The Body Issue. We see the freedom of self-publishing as an act of defiance, and we’re not stopping any time soon!
2016 Denver Zine Fest
Denver Zine Library
Denver, CO
The Denver Zine Library is a non profit organization founded in 2003 whose mission is to preserve, protect and promote the culture of zines and self published original work through archival collection, workshops, and events. The Denver Zine Library currently houses one of the largest zine collections in North America with a preserved collection of over 15,000 independent and alternative zines. The organization is entirely volunteer run and the public can access the full library and archives every Saturday and Sunday from 11am-3pm or by appointment.
Website | Facebook | Instagram | Tumblr
30 Miles of Crazy!/The Denver Bootleg
Karl Christian Krumpholz – Denver, CO
Originally from the East Coast, my work has appeared in VICE, Birdy magazine, Suspect Press, Show Devils comic, SLG Publishing (Byron) and Modern Drunkard Magazine. I provided the artwork for the documentary ‘Neal Cassady’s Denver Years’ for Colorado Public Television, illustrated the Daniel Landes’ short story ‘Revolt to What?’ (for Suspect Press), examine the history of Colorado venues in the weekly comic ‘The Denver Bootleg’ for the Westword newspaper, and for almost three years have drawn the ‘true-ish’ tales about the denizens, bars, and characters of the city in the weekly webcomic ’30 Miles of Crazy’ (which was nominated for a 2016 DINKy award.)
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AMN Collective
Kansas City, MO
The Any Means Necessary Collective of Kansas City, Missouri is a group of dedicated anarchists who focus on community outreach and direct action. Our community outreach includes, but is certainly not limited to, writing and publishing our works as well as the works of other anarchists.
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Mister V – Granby, CO
Prolific Colorado cartoonist Mister V is having a zine sale! Thirty zines to chose from, most for only $1, none more expensive than $2. Buy 2 get one free! Get one of each for only $20!
Art Activist Nia
Nia King – Oakland, CA
queer mixed Black art activist
Facebook | Tumblr | Twitter | Website
As the Crow Flies
Melanie Gillman – Denver, CO
Melanie Gillman is a queer, nonbinary cartoonist from Denver. They are the creator of the Eisner-nominated webcomic As the Crow Flies, which is a story about a group of queer teens who befriend each other over the course of a Christian youth backpacking trip. They are also one of the editors of The Other Side, a new anthology of queer paranormal romance comics.
Website | More Web Goodness | Tumblr | Twitter
Bae Cutler
Bae Cutler – Chicago, IL
Bae Cutler is an art project that centers around sports and politics. Started only a year ago Bae Cutler has been featured on ESPN, The Washington Post, Sports Illustrated, Complex Magazine and the New York Times.
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Bakerstown Comics
Jake Roth – Denver, CO
Growing up, Jake always collected all kinds of comic books, but was probably influenced by the daily comic strips in the newspaper more than any superhero titles. The various Bakerstown books are all attempts to catch those quieter moments that comics are capable of – whether remembering the past, or appreciating the present. New this year are books about coffee, Christmas parades, the radio, & a retired pro wrestler. Check them out!
The Bitchin’ Kitsch
The Talbot-Heindls’ – Denver, CO
The Talbot-Heindls’ are a couple unlike any other. So completely awesome, they’ve been compared, in public, to John Lennon and Yoko Ono.*
Both Chris and Dana Talbot-Heindl love all things creative. Their passion possessed them to create a zine in July of 2010, for anyone and everyone who has something to say with an artistic medium. That zine, The Bitchin’ Kitsch, has since taken off, gotten a book deal, and gone international.
*It was only the one time, but it still counts.
Facebook | Instagram | Bitchin’ Kitsch Twitter | Talbot-Heindl Twitter | Website
Blue Pear Projects
Alex Norelli – Brooklyn, NY
Blue Pear Projects uses publishing as a means to give voice and validity to the many aspects of the human imagination. Whether its an art, poetry or photozine that asks the viewer to question their assumptions of the world, or an enamel pin that makes them feel more at peace with their vulnerability, Blue Pear represents the magical and meaningful things we create and dream into existence that bring wonder within our lives. Blue Pear fiercely values equality among people, reverence for ritual, process, shameless existence, experimentation and human uniqueness.
Instagram (Blue Bear Projects) | Instagram (Light Is A Better God) | Tumblr | Twitter | Website
Brain Salt
Clark Ellis – Colorado Springs, CO
Brain Salt is a zine made by the Colorado Springs based band IZE, a trio of Clark Ellis, Zach Citrone, and John McCarty creating Punk/Ska/Surf sounds. The band is currently on hiatus, but this zine will never die. Brain Salt features comics, poetry, artwork, gong-show journalism, and tomfoolery. We will be be finishing our 4th edition in time for the Denver Zine Fest where we had a table last year and had an awesome time. Brain Salt is a variety show in your pocket!
Brain Teaser Comics
Bruce Otter – Englewood, CO
I’ve been making comics of some sort online since 2008, and making mini-comics since 2014. I produced my first non-comics zine for Denver Zine Fest 2015, and will have lots of new zines and mini comics this year including Brain Teaser Comics #3 and #4!
I also co-produce the Media Montage Podcast, currently releasing every other Friday, where I, along with the immortal Larry King, give our unique views on Film, TV, Comics and Conspiracies.
Facebook | Twitter | Website | More Web Goodness
Button Pusher/Lurkin Hard
Adán De La Garza – Denver, CO
Button Pusher is a photo zine produced on irregular basis for the year 2015. Each issue features images generated in a certain month by Adán De La Garza. Each issue only has 15 copies. If you spot yourself within the zine I’ll give you a free copy.
Lurkin Hard is a zine that Adán has produced on an irregular basis since 2007 and is comprised of images from film cameras found in thrift stores, flee markets and yard sales. The images are salvaged out of cameras that have preexisting film in them that is developed and whittled down into the Zine.
Captain Fantastico
Paul Niemiec – Englewood, CO
Captain Fantastico is a sci-fi/superhero Mash-Up, featuring Captain Fantastico–an arrogant, preening superhero with huge anger-control issues–and his wife Insectra–who, unknown to the Captain–is Overlord of an Evil, Intergalactic Empire.
Captain Fantastico is Penciled by Ethan Wenberg, and Inked by Paul Niemiec. Fans of Heavy Metal will dig it, as will fans of Robert Crumb and 1960s-era Fillmore West-style Rock-Band Poster Art!
Paul Niemiec inks with old school, antique pen nibs; india ink; and sable brushes. He likes to use vintage screen-tone as well. Paul’s work has appeared in Tales of the Talisman, and Filmfax magazine.
He also plays killer guitar in the swing-blues band Atomic Pablo.
Denver, CO
Chamucos is a collaborative project/mini zine composed of random thoughts and illustrations.
Comics and Art by Dylan Edwards
Dylan Edwards – Aurora, CO
Dylan “NDR” Edwards is a maker of queer comics. He is the creator Transposes, which was a Lambda Literary Award finalist for Transgender Non-Fiction, and Politically InQueerect:Old Ghosts and Other Stories. His work has also appeared in several anthologies, including QU33R (2014 Ignatz Award), No Straight Lines (2013 Lambda Literary Award), and in the Beyond Anthology (Lambda Literary Award finalist). His current project is Valley of the Silk Sky, a YA science fiction webcomic that features a queer, ace, and trans cast.
Website | More Web Goodness | Tumblr | Twitter
Cosmic BE-ING
Alex Graham – Denver, CO
Alex Graham is a painter, portrait artist and cartoonist born and raised in Denver, Colorado. Interests and themes of her work include paranormal, occult, and philosophy.
Facebook | Instagram | Twitter | Website
The Dark Reaches
Daniel Crosier – Denver, CO
The Dark Reaches is an anthology horror series, collecting works from many talents scattered across the U.S. I am the cover artists and illustrator of Savor, written by Deanna Destito, and published by Rus Wooton of The Walking Dead comic book.
Lonnie MF Allen – Denver, CO
Lonnie MF Allen is Texas white trash with the partial upbringing and outward appearance of an Asian man. He studied fine art and writing at the University of Denver, but ended up just making comics instead. He is the semi-conductor of Denver Drink & Draw and cartoonist extraordinaire who’s work has appeared in numerous renowned publications.
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Denver Public Library
Denver, CO
The Denver Public Library connects people with information, ideas and experiences to provide enjoyment, enrich lives and strengthen our community.
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DINK: Denver Independent Comic and Art Expo
Charlie LaGreca – Denver, CO
Facebook | Instagram | Website
Renee – Boulder, CO
dirt. is a collective poetry zine
issue no. 1 includes ten poems from nineteen local and nationally based poets
Facebook | Instagram | Twitter
Hannah Hemperly – Fort Collins, CO
a self-published zine, extra is a literature and art platform designed to explore identity through dialogue, discourse, and creation. the purpose is to talk about the uncomfortable, to look within, to engage in community, and discover the whole self.
Extra Vitamins
Julia Belamarich & Kyle Warfield – Denver, CO
Extra Vitamins is the experimental art and design studio of Julia Belamarich and Kyle Warfield. Their zines contain both digital and analog collage art inspired by childhood and the internet. Fun is the goal.
Extra Vitamins: Tumblr
Julia Belamarich: Website | Instagram
Kyle Warfield: Website | Instagram
Tethered by Letters – Denver, CO
F(r)iction is a collection of fine art and literature that is printed tri-annually by Tethered by Letters Press. Each issue features outstanding literary work of all genres, a graphic short story, and custom commissioned artwork. Printed in full color on high quality paper, F(r)iction aims to shatter boundaries and challenge creative conventions: to inspire those who choose to peek into its pages.
F(r)iction: Facebook | Twitter
Tethered By Letters: Facebook | Twitter
The Famous Internet Artist
Paul Echeverria – Danbury, CT
The Famous Internet Artist: Regina is a work of e-literature documenting the interactions between the artist alias Tony Jones and an entity of unknown origins, Regina. The work examines the demarcation between flux persona and faux persona. As both aliases communicate with each other, the margins between fiction and reality are incessantly blurred. Tony, authored by Paul Echeverria, offers the promise of collaboration, fame, and creative expression. Regina, composed by an anonymous author, seeks friendship, love, and travel funds.
Obfuscated beneath each character’s attempts at persuasion, these textual messages provide insight into the casual materialization of the digital flux persona. Furthermore, they provide a conceptual framework for the ongoing experiments in human persona. As a consequence, readers are encouraged to consider the authenticity of their own relations within a complex panorama of digital identity.
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Far Out Zines
Emilie Luckett and Curtis Tucker – Denver, CO
Far Out Zines is a small press distribution company based out of Denver. To be simply put, we buy, sell, and trade small press/zines. Our goal is to help spread our love of zines to the world, and to help cool artists get their work better known.
Etsy | Facebook | Instagram | Tumblr | Twitter
Fix My Head zine / Distortion / An Out Recordings
Anna Vo – Portland, OR (from NZ)
Fix My Head – QTPOC art/activism/music/punk zine with people from all over the world! Not North America -centric.
The Swan The Vulture – Perzine about being an adult survivor of CSA and other types of abuse, power dynamics in relationships, and ways to explore assertion, listening to oneself, healing, communication, etc.
Distortion – comic about different types of Liberation and power dynamics
An Out Recordings – a POC and queer folk centered black metal, doom, drone and noise label. Anti-fascist, anti-racist, anarchist and feminist.
Bandcamp | Fix My Head Store | An Out Store | Tumblr
Free Rent ATX
Austin, TX
Free Rent ATX is a non-profit art collective based in Austin, Texas. We take art submissions from artists all around and put them together in a zine. Our missions is to help artists get the exposure they need and build a strong community in the art and music scene. We run this collective on pure passion. Sharing art for art’s sake and nothing more.
Facebook | Instagram | Website
Gato Cocoa
Holly Wood – Laramie, WY
Gato Cocoa is a film photography project presented in a tiny zine. Inspired by the odd yet charming nature of cats, creator Holly Wood and her Canon AE-1 conspire to make double exposed magic with any kitten that crosses their path. Each issue aims to be a pocket meditation on surreal, serene feline power. #catsof307
God Bless Generica
Marc Saviano – Kansas City, MO
God Bless Generica specializes in doubleplus mindfucks made easy in the form of stickers, patches, pinback buttons, and other art-free arts, and publishes the zeeens Operations Manual, Grimm Memes, a few perzines and mini comix, and an Occupy collaboration zine, The Occupy Voice. Operations Manual is a collection of found and original images and writings, and could be described as a cross between Principia Discordia, Anarchist Cookbook, and Highlights children’s magazine.
“Something like AdBusters™ meets an unhappy Louie C.K. …not consistently funny…” – Zine World
“Grimm Memes’ attempts at humor and political agitprop are so unimaginative and obvious they don’t even stand as satire, just fact”- Razorcake #90
God in a Bottle
Frank Kwiatkowski – Denver, CO
I have been carving templates on the interior of traffic cones since August of 1999. With these I have derived the “conecut” a form of relief print similar to woodcuts and linocuts. “God in a Bottle” is a ‘zine about type 1 diabetes and insulin that Peter Miles Bergman (of is Press) collaborated on. My long-term project is the graphic novel, “Conecutter”.
the good life
Hans DeHaas – Boulder, CO
the good life is a on going series. the zine is composed of a collection of intricate drawings of cityscapes, skateparks, outer space, and what ever else.. short comics about nothing.. also collection of photos, crossword puzzles and guides!
Email | Instagram | Website | More Web Goodness
Great Bear Comics
Jeremy Stoll – Denver, CO
Great Bear Comics is a platform for comics and visual narratives, including illustrated prose, zines, screen prints, and otherwise – all grounded in the natural world and the stories we create to understand the ineffable in life. Mainly, it is the work of Jeremy Stoll, a comics creator and folklorist whose work is inspired by the Great Lakes, where he grew up, and the Rocky Mountains, where he lives now – along with continuing research on comics in India.
Todd Duane Miller – Denver, CO
The HABITAT zine series, (a collaboration between Eli Saragoussi) is a fine art erotic zine series that attempts to blur the line between porn and art. Dissatisfied with most conventional porn, the artists have started a publication that contains images they find arousing, controversial, beautiful, and strange. Each volume focuses on inventing a new “habitat” with which the models explore and define. The models used are all part of the Denver community.
He Came Out of My Nose
Anthony Cortes – Denver, CO
My projects explore the dirty side of life. The things we keep hidden from public view.
Also I enjoy horror movies and holding hands.
Denver, CO
Intersections. A space for individuals with intersecting identities to be represented in positive and supportive media that celebrates the beauty of our communities.
As we navigate life, surviving and thriving, while honoring all our identities, we invite you to engage with our journeys depicted and written within this zine.
Denver, CO
is PRESS publishes short run artists books and zines documenting urban art and conceptual time-based art projects in an accessible narrative format along the loose theme of individuals and their relationship to groups.
In an effort to fund the publishing of conceptual artists books is PRESS also utilizes our letterpress printing and design skills to help other artists realize their work in printed form.
is PRESS is the press of The Institute of Sociometry. Institute of Sociometry or is practices and promotes guerrilla sociometry. As the term implies, guerrilla sociometry is similar in focus to text book sociometry, yet in no way conforms to the rigorous demands of science or mathematics!
Instead is deploys strategies from ’Pataphysics, Fluxus, Situationism, Neoism, Immediatism, Ontological Anarchy, and Dada Epistimology.
Website | More Web Goodness | Instagram
Kat Bride
Denver, CO
Keep Your Head Up
Daisy Corso – Denver, CO
I am currently studying Communication Design at Metropolitan State University. I really enjoy creating zines that make a difference in someone’s life. My interests include responsible design, making a positive impact on social issues through my work, and absorbing everything there is to know about art and design history and theory.
Kit Ramsey
Denver, CO
Fear of the ephemeral, personal documentary style photography.
König America
Westminster, CO
Zine focused on art & lit with surrealist themes. Takes some submissions online but mostly from around Denver.
Kool Planet Comix
Neil Ewing – Denver, CO
Neil Ewing is a multimedia artist working in drawing, painting, video, animation, sound and sculpting. He has written/ drawn several comics including “Tomb of the Meatbeast,” “The Ballad of Peaceways” and “Planet Karl, “available on the KoolPlanetComix imprint. He’s animated music videos for Restiform bodies, Pictureplane, DeathJam, and has been featured in VICE and the Source.
Lipstick Diaries
Tripp Nasty – Denver, CO
If Ernest Hemingway had a younger, prettier, crossdressing brother who recently emerged from a marathon D&D session in their parent’s basement it would be Tripp Nasty.
Magical Old People
Melissa Black – Denver, CO
Magical Old People is a reflection on moments where folks have truly influenced me and earned a permanent place in my psyche. However, they have no idea that they have affected me like a smile from a magical old person that took 70+ years to perfect.
Magna Comica
Larry King – Turkey, NC
I tell stories. They happen to mainly be in the form of mini-comics.
J. James McFarland – Boulder, CO
J. James McFarland likes to make comics too. His current comics projects include a long-form story called Maize, a weekly web comic in 9 week installments called Mustang Tuesday Weekly, a few short stories and a handful of zine – type booklets of various degrees of seriousness.
He is currently located in the lush, green heights of Boulder, on the slopes of the Flatirons. There he enjoys breathing the clean air.
J. James is known to smile in the face of deadlines.
Blog | Facebook | Instagram | Portfolio | Twitter
Katey Sleeveless – Colorado Springs, CO
Mamá Liberada celebrates creative and inspiring families with essay, poetry, drawing, art, interviews, recipes, herbalism, DIY tutorials, reviews, personal accounts, and more in a zine compilation.
Mavis the Magical Bookmobile
Anna Kongs – Denver, CO
Mavis the Magical Bookmobile is a nonprofit Denver bookmobile housed in an ambulance! If you see a book you like, you may trade in a book or make a donation. We believe that books are a right, not a privilege. Please come say hello during this fantastic event and leave with a book!
Facebook | Instagram | Tumblr | Twitter | Website
Mile Marker 15
Maxx Zenisek – Denver, CO
We are a collection of people putting out our creative work out into the world that started in January of 2015. So far we have released two collections of poetry and two coloring books and we have a lot more planned for the future.
Mile-High MFA in Creative Writing
Regis University – Denver, CO
The Mile High MFA is a two-year terminal degree that will provide students with one-on-one instruction in fiction, young- adult fiction, creative nonfiction, writing for performance, poetry, or the graphic novel along with theory and craft lessons, workshops, seminars, and readings by accomplished authors, as well as guidance on the practical and professional aspects of writing.
Mori Guild
Ryan Guild and Stephanie Guild – Denver, CO
Mori Guild is a Denver based brother/sister collective. Their work is an exploration of the multi-layered nature of life- the seen and unseen, the personal and universal, the relationship with the self, the other, and the world. Their creative process revolves around self-exploration, expression, and curiosity!
We make things we want to see.
Mostly Harmless Podcast with Dammit Damian
Damian Burford – Denver, CO
Mostly Harmless is a punk rock podcast and a live action talk show/variety hour! In it’s original incarnation, Mostly Harmless was a bi-monthly punk rock zine with a focus on interviews, reviews and comics during the mid 2000’s. It was brought back to life as a podcast in 2010 as a way for Damian to exorcise his creative demons! He has interviewed and hosted a wide variety of punk rock alumni, filmmakers, comedians and more!
NADA: the dada magazine about nothing
Bryce McPherson – Seattle, WA
NADA is a Seattle-based writing and art collective (not to be confused with the Reno art collective). All submissions are anonymous and loosely based (or not) on a monthly theme which writer interpret as they would.
Nick Liquor’s
Team Print Shop – Oakland, CA
As the primary printer, designer and director of business at Team Print Shop, I spend a lot of time in my west Oakland live/work space. It is at one of west Oakland’s most prestigious staycation spots, Nick’s Liquors, that I find respite from the daily grind and inspiration for my current series of zines.
Under the bright florescent lighting of Nick’s Liquors, I rediscovered my early appreciation for commercial art. Always a fan of flashy logos such as the Jolly Green Giant, I have revived my love of commercial art to develop a zine celebrating the underappreciated art of the liquor store.
At the Denver Zine Fest, I will feature Issues 2 of Nick’s Liquors. Issue 2 is a 4-color print that includes gold flaking. Through commercial art, I illustrate my adventures and the overlooked visual appeal of Nick’s. Each zine purchase will come with a hand printed tote bag.
Outré Veil
Zak Kinsella – Denver, CO
Cartoonist previously having worked for New York Times & Popular Science. Currently writing & drawing Outré Veil & cohost of the podcast No Sell Society.
Facebook | Instagram | Pinterest | Tumblr | Twitter | Website
Pioneers Press
Leavenworth, KS
Pioneers Press is a publishing house and small-press distro focusing on survival and sustainability on the farm and in the city, in addition to health, gender, sexuality, social justice and food movements, and literary works by up-and-coming authors.
Facebook | Instagram | Tumblr | Website
Pollux Zine
Kaleigh Coleman – Boulder, CO
Pollux is a new art zine that will be debuting our first issue for the fest(!!) Our semiannual zine features anywhere from 4-6 artists who are each making waves in the Colorado art scene. From classical painters, to sound art, to local bands, Pollux covers it all and we are excited to share it with you!
Proof I Exist
Billy McCall – Albuquerque, NM
Billy has been reading and writing zines since the 90s, and doesn’t see himself quitting any time soon. He rides tall bikes, screams in a punk band, and plays way too much pinball… yet… never enough. If you give him your address, he’ll mail you stuff, and if you give him a dollar he’ll sell you a zine.
Pulp Magazine
Jack Spano, Zach Morris, & Elena Gutierrez – Denver, CO
We’re just a few troubled earth-walkers trying to help others share their stories.
Instagram | Website | More Web Goodness
Quick The Clockwork Knight
Thane Benson – Denver, CO
Thane Benson is an accomplished writer and artist and can prove it because it says so right here in this official “bio”. Thane hasn’t won any awards. He isn’t famous. And he finds writing about himself in the 3rd person to be very awkward. You probably haven’t heard of him, but if you had it would probably be for writing and drawing the infernal mystery graphic novel BURNT or for the adventure comic book series QUICK: THE CLOCKWORK KNIGHT or the ongoing serial noir web comic HELLHOLE, all of which can be seen on his website.
Rainbow Feather
Rachel Pfeffer + Simon Kugel – Boulder, CO
Rachel Pfeffer is an artist, illustrator, and designer from Philadelphia. She recently moved to Colorado. Simon Kugel is an artist living in Boulder, CO.
Razbliuto Zine
Mark Trujillo – Denver, CO
Raz 2.5 is an erotic fiction and love prose zine printed annually featuring international work of photography and writing.
Facebook | Instagram | Website
Rotten Bananas
Chris Sisneros – Wheat Ridge, CO
My name is Chris Sisneros, and am a local comic book artist. I graduated from Rocky Mountain College of Art and Design in 2010, with a BFA in Children’s Book Illistration, and have been creating comics ever since. My comic, Rotten Bananas is my parody of the world around me through various characters and zany, humorous plots.
Website | Facebook | Instagram | Store | Twitter
Shadowtrash tape group
Boulder, CO
shadowtrash tape group is an audio-art cassette label situated in boulder colorado.
operated by ryan wade ruehlen, nick hranilovich, connor sorensen, nyal ruehlen and kari treadwell, the label functions as a conceptual container for an ongoing sonic collaboration between them and artists regionally, nationally, and beyond. currently, this work is produced and trafficked through various networks of individuals, as a method of sharing content outside of the algorithmically surveilled structures of net-based social networking, music streaming sites, government and licensing agencies, the ‘recording industry’, and the overlap of these devices.
the group seeks sounds and compositions that haven’t been found yet, or the re-imagining/hijaking of known forms for new purposes–shadowtrash feeds on the waste of audio society. tapes are our alchemical shit. we want to build a collaborative library of archived, tape reality.
Shortandqueer Zine
Kelly Shortandqueer – Denver, CO
For the past decade, Kelly Shortandqueer has been publishing the zine series “shortandqueer”, each issue focusing on a different theme through the lens of being queer and transgender. His storytelling has been featured on The Narrators stage as well as through a collaboration between the Narrators and DCPA’s Off-Center at the Jones Theater, in a show titled “Lived/Re-Lived”. He is also one of the co-founders of the Denver Zine Library.
Besides writing and storytelling, Kelly is also a drag artist, performing under the name Olive de Bottom. Since being crowned Honky Tonk Queen of the International Association of Gay Square Dance Clubs in 2014, he has performed at several local and national venues and is always looking for new excuses to make appearances.
Website | Facebook | Instagram
SlutWalk Denver
Denver, CO
In 2011, a Toronto police officer advised women to “stop dressing like sluts” in order to not be victimized. In response, over 3,000 people took to the streets to protest the victim-blaming, proclaiming that the blame and shame surrounding a sex crime belongs only with the perpetrator committing the violent crime.
Slutwalk is now global phenomenon and is held annually in dozens of cities across America and around the world, including Denver! We will continuously work to form a community of support and empowerment for survivors and allies, and to put an end to victim-blaming.
Lily Van – Denver, CO
howdy I’m smiliees! I like to eat good food and draw in between. I also like to pet my dog.
Suspect Press
Denver, CO
Suspect Press has been publishing fiction, poetry, and comics in Denver since 2013. The free, quarterly journal is always accepting submissions.
Terry A. Ratzlaff
Denver, CO
Photo based zines and self published books.
This is Heavy Metal
Jake Fairly – Denver, CO
I am a denver based cartoonist with a real knack for kickin’ buns. My work wades in a seastorm of absurdist violence and lovelorn escapism. It’s a real fun time.
Tinto Press
Ted Intorcio – Denver, CO
Artist, DINK Director and owner of the comics micro-publisher, Tinto Press. Ted is available for your harsh criticism and derisive but witty comments. He will have several new comics available for perusal and purchase including but not limited to, The Ultimate Laugh by Sara Lautman, You Will Not Be Missed by Kevin Budnik, and Delineate by Lonnie MF Allen.
Tymelapse / horse gurl press
Chris Moody – Denver, CO
Tymelapse is the world through 35mm photographs and horse gurl press is stories of the world through whatever medium desired.
Uncommon Futures
Denver, CO
Uncommon Futures is a zine made up of real-life stories, profiles, sketches, and poems. Since a lot of people are not heard, and sometimes poetry and art say just as much as writing, we strive to give people any outlet they want. We enjoy covering the everyday, the fantastic, and the just plain interesting!
Witch Craft Magazine & Sad Spell Press
Denver, CO
Founded in 2015, Witch Craft is a print magazine and micropress with the goal of publishing work that moves us to believe in magic again.
word a zine by denver comedians
Matt Wayman – Denver, CO
The belief behind starting the zine aka “Word.” is that comedians are just writers that perform our own material and we need a place to showcase all the other material we produce. Word includes articles, short stories, recipes, paintings, reviews, comics, and interviews. This zine strives to show Denver and beyond how creative this comedy scene is and why we are producing so many national talents!!!
Website | Facebook | More Web Goodness | Videos
Worser Beings
chris escobar – St. Louis, MO
Worser Beings is a small press based mostly out of a backpack and a makeshift studio in a backroom. Both of which, located in Saint Louis, Missouri. It focuses all it efforts points into: screen printing, comics, and zines. Each page strenuously drawn.
2015 Denver Zine Fest
The Denver Zine Library is excited to bring you the 2015 Zine Fest with the incredible support of our amazing sponsors: Denver Art Society, Kilgore Books & Comics, Laughing Mouse Press, & Share Denver
Check out this video made by Ejen Chuang to see some footage of the 2015 Denver Zine Fest!
Friday, June 26, 2015
Zine Films and Zine Readings!
6-9pm, hosted by Share Denver at 2829 Fairfax St, Denver, CO 80207
$5 suggested donation
* 6pm – hang out and eat snacks!
* 6:30pm – Film, “Zinester: The Art of Individualism in the Era of Mass Media ”
* 6:45pm – Zine readings
* 7:30 – Film, “Root Hog or Die”
Facebook event here – spread the word!
Saturday, June 27, 2015
Denver Zine Fest!
9am-6pm at Denver Art Society at 734 Santa Fe Drive, Denver CO
Free for attendees
Vendor tables are currently SOLD OUT! Feel free to e-mail if you would like to be added to the waiting list.
Check out the list of folks who have already reserved their table!
Join us for the Denver Zine Library’s 2015 Zinefest! Meet with the self-publishers of zines, comix and projects, and buy or trade zines! The Fest is open to the public and free to attend.
Zine is an abbreviation of magazine; any self-published small press publication often a photocopied and hand-bound booklet falls under this category. The Denver Zine Fest promotes the spirit of Do-It-Yourself publishing, as well as independent thought and expression.
Facebook event here – spread the word!
Lonely House
900 South Jason Street, Denver CO
$5-10 suggested donation
Didn’t get enough of your favorite zinesters? Come listen to some music, dance, and hang out!
Music by The Dorms, Chase Ambler, and Milk Blossoms
Facebook event here – spread the word!
Sunday, June 28, 2015
Lonely House
900 South Jason Street, Denver CO
Join us as we wind down from the weekend at this low-key brunch. We’ll provide the pancakes (vegan and gluten-free available) and orange juice, you bring your own toppings.
Facebook event here – spread the word!
Denver Zine Library’s 13th Anniversary Party
The Denver Zine Library is so grateful for everyone who has supported us over the past 13 years! We celebrated on December 5th with an incredible silent auction that raised over $1,500, which will benefit the Denver Zine Library and Sent(a)Mental Studios, and released our 2017 calendar featuring local zinesters and comic artists. Many thanks to our incredible auction donors, calendar artists, and everyone who came out to celebrate with us. Check out these photos from our friends at From the Hip Photo!
13th Anniversary party, silent auction, and calendar release!
The Denver Zine Library is proud to be teaming up with Sent(a)Mental Studios to celebrate the DZL’s 13th anniversary!
Monday, December 5th from 6-9pm at Infinite Monkey Theorem
3200 Larimer Street, Denver CO 80205
Stop by for a few minutes or stay for the evening. It’s going to be a laid-back night of fun with the release of the 2017 DZL calendar and silent auction to benefit both the Denver Zine Library and Sent(a)Mental Studios.
Check back to see more auction items as they’re donated!
- Adán De La Garza
- Agua y Sangre Healing
- Arvada Center
- Bear Creek Distillery
- Beast of Burden Jewelry
- Clyfford Still Museum
The 2017 Denver Zine Library calendar will be released the night of our anniversary party! (cover by Alex Fiedler) - Denver Zine Library
- The Drawn Thread
- Dylan Scholinski
- Endorphin
- Fancy Tiger
- Fort Greene
- Hana
- Helm Acupuncture
- History Colorado
- Hooked on Colfax
- Illegal Pete’s
- Infinite Monkey Theorem
- Jackie Hoffman
- Kelly Shortandqueer
- Leopold Brothers
- Lighthouse Writers Workshop
- Lisa LeDuc, LMT
- Long I Pie
- Lowbrow
- Moving Points Acupuncture
- Nerd Nite
- Oriental Theater
- Pablo’s Coffee
- Phamaly Theater
- Racine’s
- Ratio Beerworks
- Stem Ciders
- Su Teatro Cultural and Performing Arts Center
- Sweet Action Ice Cream
- The Talbot-Heindl Experience, LLC
- Voodoo Doughnuts
- Watercourse
- Wunder Werkz
With photography at the event by From the Hip Photo!
2015 Denver Zine Fest Vendors
We’re thrilled that the following people will have a table at the 2015 Denver Zine Fest! Vendor tables are currently SOLD OUT! Feel free to e-mail if you would like to be added to the waiting list.
- Adán De La Garza & Christina Battle, Nothing To See Here
- Amy Moore-Shipley, Denver Food Rescue
- Andrew M. Jackson, New Pioneer Comics
- Andy Swanson, König America
- Ashley Waterman, Types & Cakes
- Becky Hensley, Share Denver
- Ben T. Steckler, Stand-Up Comix Presents: “In-Bread”
- Billy, Proof I Exist
- Bruce Otter, Brain Teaser Comics
- Camille Breslin,Interkors Magazine
- Christopher Leiden, Uncommon FUTURES
- Clark Ellis, Brain Salt
- Curtis Tucker, Birdy Magazine
- Denver Public Library
- Denver Zine Library
- Derek Knierim, Manifest: Future & Look Alive
- Dylan Edwards, Valley of the Silk Sky
- Ejen Chuang, Cosplay in America
- Garrett Moore, Just Friends
- Gregg K, Bots Is Bots
- Jackson Maness, Bizarre Middle School Imagery
- Jeremy Stoll, Great Bear Comics
- John Peters, Forty Winks
- Katey Sleeveless, Mamá Liberada
- Kelly Shortandqueer, shortandqueer zine
- Kit Ramsey, Collective Blonde Photo Club
- Lonnie Allen
- Marie Medina, Slutwalk Denver
- Melissa Black, Magical Old People
- Mickey McGee, Release the Hounds
- Molly Bounds, Jazzmyn Barbosa, & Taylor Barbosa, Vicious Bitches
- Peter Bergman, is PRESS
- Terry Ratzlaff
- Spencer Keralis, Laughing Mouse Press
- Stan Yan, The Wang: The BIG One, 2nd Ed
- Stephen Reilly, Misery of Spirit
- Ted Intorcio, Lying & Cursing by Sara Lautman; DOA The death of Alfalfa
Packing & inventory parties
Dearest friends of the Denver Zine Library,As you may know, the building where the DZL is housed has been sold! We have until April 1st to move out and are hoping to make this a stress-free and entertaining process.
Please join us on February 9 and/or February 16 from 10am-6pm for a packing and inventory party. We’ll be providing breakfast and lunch, as well as amazing and fabulous company and music. Feel free to stop by for 15 minutes, stay for the whole time, or anything in between. If you have access to boxes, please bring some with you. We’re particularly looking for medium sized boxes. Individual zines are pretty light, but have you ever tried carrying a big box of them? If you have access to boxes but can’t make it, please let us know at and we’ll coordinate to have one of our volunteers pick them up. Costumes optional (but encouraged). |