The DZL’s One Year Anniversary Party, 12/11/04

The Denver Zine Library will celebrate its first anniversary! This event is free and open to the public. An open house will begin at 5pm with food and beverages, music by Ian Cooke, and will trangress into zine readings. Deproduction (Denverevolution’s New Video Production group!) will talk about the media resources available to zinesters and other DIY folks in Denver. Local zinesters from the Yellow Rake, and the Derailluer Bike Collective will read and/or distribute their zines. Syntax magazine will be on hand to distribute information about their local publication. The wonderful Eduardo will be reading some poetry about the recently completed trip to Mars. And the miner’s revolution occurring there.

7:30 more music! The Clap and Porlolo will each play a set and DJ Brian of the Yellow
Rake will spin records and we will all shimmy and shake for DIY literacy resources in Denver.  Please come. If you have any questions or know someone who would like to participate you may contact Eduardo or Kristy.

ps. bike parking will be available inside!

Rich Mackin & Blair Vail, 5/3/04

Come hear Rich Mackin read from his fantastic zine, Book of Letters. BOL is Consumer Defense Corporate Poetry (or letters written to various companies) and are sometimes political, usually hilarious, and always entertaining. Blair Vail, an amazing poet and singer/songwriter will also grab your attention with her live performance!

2009 DZL Calendar

January by A Stranger Bulge/Ryan R Laity
February by Sarah Slater
March by Meg
April by Kate
May by sent(a)mental studios/Dylan Scholinski
June by Paul Swek
July by Travis Egedy
August by Josiah and Julia
September by Patrick Daniel Keck
October by Zack Kopp
November by Patrick Porter
December by milkteeth magazine

3rd Annual Denver Zine Fest, 5/31/08

Hey Friends – The Denver Zine Fest will be here before you know it!

Saturday May 31st from 10am to 6 pm at The First Unitarian Church on 14th & Lafayette in the Capital Hill Denver area.

Our space is LIMITED this year so please sign up ASAP to vend yer wares!

$5 gets you a half table, if you need more space or need special accommodations, please contact us to make arrangements.

If you are interested in hosting/teaching/doing a workshop, sign up!

Want to help in other ways?? Many many volunteer opportunities for you to do so exist:
* Set up: Getting the space ready for vendors, setting up tables and chairs, etc.
* Clean up: General cleaning up of area at the end of the day, taking down tables and chairs
* Welcome wagon/Security: Helping direct folks around, tabling the front Welcome Table, etc.
* Street Team: Flyering and general spreading of word/advertising/etc
* Housing/Driving out of town zinesters!

To sign up for VENDING, WORKSHOPING, VOLUNTEERING and/or to contact the Denver Zine Fest Organizers with questions or comments just click this fancy link:

Can’t wait to see you all there!

Photo by Chris Wilde
Photo by Chris Wilde
Photo by Chris Wilde
Photo by Chris Wilde