Check out these amazing events (and updates) for Summer 2011!

* June 4 – 27 Social Centre Open House
* June 25 – Book Binding Workshop
* July – September: Community Zine Workshop Series
* July 12 – Multimedia Zine Reading
* September 11 – Craftin’ Carnival
* Looking for volunteers
* Visit during open hours!
* Set up an event or bring your class to the DZL

********** NEW OPEN HOURS **********
The Denver Zine Library will now be open from 11am-3pm each Saturday and Sunday! Come check out the collection and read some zines on our comfy couch!

We’re located at 2727 W. 27th Avenue, Denver 80211 (entrance around the right side of the building).

********** June 4 – 27 Social Centre Open House **********
Join us between 6pm and 10pm at 2727 W. 27th Avenue, Denver 80211 (entrance around the right side of the building) for a BBQ (meat, veggie and vegan options available), LIVE MUSIC and to learn about the awesome projects housed here!
The 27 Social Centre is excited to welcome you into our fabulous renovated location with the addition of several new, amazing projects! Check out

* Bread and Roses —
* Build Up Books —
* Comite Defensa Pueblo —
* Denver Anarchist Black Cross —
* Denver Community Health Collective —
* Denver IWW —
* Denver Zine Library —
* Improbable Pictures —
* P&L Printing —
* Sent(a)Mental Studios —

***** June 25 – Bookbinding 101 Workshop *****
Saturday, June 25, 2011 1-3pm
At the Denver Zine Library: 2727 W. 27th Avenue, Denver 80211 (entrance around the right side of the building).
RSVP by June 20 at – SPACE IS LIMITED!

Learn a basic bookbinding stitch, and how to design miniature books. Use centuries-old technologies to hand-craft your 21st century zine! In this 2-hour workshop, you’ll complete a half-letter album, a mini-notebook, and a toy book.

Taught by Spencer from Laughing Mouse Press, with Becky and Katy from the Denver Craft Ninjas.

******** July – September: Community Zine Workshop Series ********

Are you ready to take the plunge and make your first zine? Or have you been wanting to put out a new issue? Looking for some motivation? The Denver Zine Library has set up a zine workshop series where people can come and work on writing, share ideas about formatting/binding and more!

All sessions take place on Sundays (see dates and themes below). We’ll have structured time from 11am-12pm and then the zine library will be open until 3pm if you’d like to stay, keep working, check out the collection. All sessions are free and will be at the Denver Zine Library at 2727 W. 27th Avenue, Denver 80211 (entrance around the right side of the building). We may even host a zine release/reading to celebrate, but there is no pressure to participate.

– July 10, Develop zine concept
– July 24, Writing
– August 7, Editing content
– August 21, Formatting
– September 4, Binding

You don’t have to come to every session, but it is encouraged, especially for first-time zine-makers. Please let us know if you’re planning on attending by e-mailing

********** July 12 – Multimedia Zine Reading **********
Tuesday, July 12, 6:30-9:30pm
At the Denver Zine Library: 2727 W. 27th Avenue, Denver 80211 (entrance around the right side of the building).

You won’t want to miss this fabulous multimedia zine reading featuring: Spencer Keralis, Mariette Papić (streaming live from New York), and Tim Davids!

Spencer Keralis is the founding editor of Laughing Mouse Press, a small press specializing in hand-made books based in Littleton, Colorado. His poetry and short fiction have appeared in Lady Churchill’s Rosebud Wristlet, The Dry Crik Review of Contemporary Cowboy Poetry, and The Owen Wister Review. His poetry is collected in the retrospective Geography & Circumstance (2009). Spencer’s scholarly work has appeared in Book History and Texte und Töne, and he maintains an occasional blog on critical theory and digital humanities at His interest in book history led him to the book arts, and he teaches bookbinding classes to DIY-minded crafters. He has received research fellowships from the Library Company of Philadelphia and the American Antiquarian Society, and was awarded the 2009 Tuttleton Prize for Research in American Literature by New York University’s Department of English, and the 2010 Book History Essay Prize. In 2011, Spencer launched the interview blogazine 12 Questions ( with collaborator Becky Hensley.

Mariette Papić was born in Newark, NJ. She is a photographer and writer who expands memoir through an ongoing series of conversations focused on the conscious and subconscious experience. Her work focuses on currents in technology, myth and language. Brooklyn based, Mariette currently lives a semi-nomadic, cyber life while working on her projects, and her on-going series of disembodied poetics and mixed media, “The Life of Ruby Gold.”

Tim Davids’ parents got him a video camera for his fifth birthday, and in 1991 his grandma let him stay home from school to see The Last Boyscout, which effectively screwed them out of having a kid who was not a filmmaker. His films have shown at the Doorpost Film Festival, the Boulder Fringe Festival, the Oriental Theater, and in countless living rooms during house parties. In addition to making DIY films, ever since winning the Denver Young Authors competition with his story “Terrible the Bulldog” nineteen years ago, Tim has continued to write and, though he claims to not be very good, he does so for the Westword Arts and Culture blog “Show and Tell,” and for Popular Lemonade. A social media Renaissance man, Tim blogs, he tumbls, he tweets (as 2509), and he also dances (but only alone in his room).

******* Community Event: September 11 – Craftin’ Carnival *******
Friends of the Denver Zine Library are planning this awesome event! Check it out at

Craftin’ Carnival is a community of crafters, hobbyists, artists and artisans. Our goals are to provide an opportunity for emerging and established artists to exhibit their work in a supportive marketplace, and to share skills with like-minded peers in a fun, inclusive environment.

Denver’s first ever Craftin’ Carnival will take place on Sunday, September 11th, 2011, from 10am to 6pm. It is being held at WorkBrite, 4120 Brighton Blvd., Unit A40, Denver, CO 80216.

********** Looking for volunteers **********
Do you have a few hours to spare once a month? The Denver Zine Library is looking for volunteers! Help keep the DZL open on weekends, learn how to catalog donated zines in our database, plan a fundraiser, or bring your ideas! E-mail to set up a 30-minute orientation.

********** Visit during open hours! **********
The Denver Zine Library is open on Saturdays and Sundays from 1-5pm and is located inside the 27 Social Centre (2727 W 27th Ave – entrance around right side of building). Come check us out, read some zines on our comfy couch and borrow some zines to read at home!

********** Set up an event or bring your class to the DZL **********
Have an event in mind and are looking for a venue? Want to plan a fundraiser for the Denver Zine Library? Do you teach a class and want to bring them on a field trip to the DZL? Contact to chat with a zine librarian about making this happen!