After several months in temporary storage, the Denver Zine Library is thrilled to be moving into the 27 Social Centre with some other amazing projects.

On July 11, 2010, Kelly and Dylan helped other folks from the 27 Social Centre build a wall for the Denver Zine Library…

On July 25, Carolyn, Squee, Angela, B, Kelly, Ellen, Molly and Kevin moved everything from storage to the new space… (Many thanks to Carolyn for graciously housing the collection in the storage area of her apartment building.)

On August 15, EJ, B, Kelly and Kevin built the shelves and started unpacking…

We still have some unpacking and decorating to do, but we’re really excited about how everything is coming together. Many thanks to our generous donors of furniture (Whitney and a local nonprofit) and Dylan, Kristy and Kelly for moving it. More photos coming soon!