Yes, the rumors are true… The Denver Zine Library is re-opening! We’re now located in the 27 Social Centre at 2727 W. 27th Ave, Denver. After our grand re-opening on September 6 (see below), we’ll be open on Sundays from 1-5pm and by appointment. For more information, e-mail


Thursday, August 26, Bikestravaganza: Off the Chainring
Please join us for this traveling road show of bicycle talk, movies, zines, and transportation activism. Elly Blue and Joe Biel will present short videos and a slideshow about Portland’s bike culture, followed by a discussion of alternative transportation in Denver and the future of transportation infrastructure and advocacy in Colorado and beyond. Dave Roche will read from existing and upcoming works, including his hit classic …On Subbing. Everyone is welcome to attend and participate in the conversation. Microcosm Publishing will have a table of books, zines, and movies.
7-9pm, $3-10 sliding scale at the door.
Details at

Monday, September 6, GRAND RE-OPENING
The Denver Zine Library is sharing space with some rad projects, including P&L Printing, Sent(a)mental Studios, Bread & Roses and more! Come check out the grand opening of each of these in our new location in the 27 Social Centre. The DZL won’t officially have open hours before the date, but may be available by appointment by e-mailing
Time TBA – we’ll be sending out more information soon.

Tuesday, September 14, Zines on Toast Tour
Zines on toast is a month long tour with zinesters from the UK (Rumlad, Last Hours, Hey Monkey Riot and Morgenmuffel) travelling with Portland’s Alex Wrekk (Brainscan and Stolen Sharpie Revolution). Join us for tales of the London Zine Symposium, failing to punch Tony Blair, ideas for radical health, creating a UK social centre, bike punks, regional dialects and much more!
Time TBA – we’ll be sending out more information soon.
Details at

We’re looking for volunteers for the zine library. We have several opportunities, so please contact Kelly at to find out more!

• Get e-mail updates. To join the list, send a blank e-mail to
• On Facebook – Join our group:!/group.php?gid=57922627417&ref=ts
• On MySpace – Be our friend: